Další ze starších trip reportů - vyhlídkový let s cvičným proudovým letounem L-29.
"Kopčem, Veverčák a Delfín, aneb splněný dětský sen": https://forum.airways.cz/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=10686
Jaké je to letět vzducholodí?
Trip report "Zeppelin nad Prahou (17-18. 9. 2021)": https://forum.airways.cz/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=10664
#Zeppelin #TripReport #Cestování
I was at #DevOpsDaysChicago back in September, it was the first conference I had been to in a very long time. Took the Amtrak over from Ann Arbor, visited the #Equinix office in the Loop, generally a good time.
A favorite part of #DevOpsDays events is the #OpenSpace part of the day, self-organizing workshops with smaller groups. Two of those that I really enjoyed: one on #BareMetal devops, and a second one on declarative systems with tools like #NixOS .
#DevOpsDaysChicago #Equinix #devopsdays #openspace #baremetal #nixos #TripReport