RT @WIC_News: Greece MEP Elena Kountoura hosts teleconference with EPAS team of the 1st General Tripoli #Greece #women #ElenaKountoura #MEP #EuropeanParliament #EPAS #Tripoli #wicnews
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1644020056693547013
#Greece #women #ElenaKountoura #MEP #EuropeanParliament #EPAS #Tripoli #wicnews
EUBAM Libya is pleased to welcome Karamba Diaby, Member of the German Bundestag, and Michael Ohmacht, German Ambassador to Libya, to discuss integrated border management in Libya. #tripoli #tripolilibya #eubamlibya
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUBAMLibya/status/1634652920460333059
#Tripoli #tripolilibya #eubamlibya
#Tripoli Alla presenza del Pres. @GiorgiaMeloni e del PM @Dabaibahamid, ho firmato Memorandum d'intesa tra il Gov italiano e quello libico per la consegna di 5 vedette finanziate dall’Ue. Rafforziamo cooperazione con la Libia,anche per contrastare flussi d'immigrazione irregolare
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Antonio_Tajani/status/1619336927953719298
RT @RMFLebanon: Thanks to #EuropeanUnion founded @Minjara project implemented by @RMFLebanon & @expertisefrance it has been turned into a vibrant facility for Lebanese #wood designers,preserving the heritage of the #Tripoli International Fair building,added to @UNESCO World Heritage list
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUinLebanon/status/1536734549119586305
RT @eueomlebanon22: Chief Observer of the #EUEOMLebanon22 @HolvenyiGyorgy met with Former Lebanese MP and Former Deputy Chairman of the Future movement @allouchmustafa1 during his visit to #Tripoli
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1512373281311100934