Giorno 118 #TripoliNel carcere di #AinZara si dorme persino nei bagni. Le scadenti condizioni igienico sanitarie sono tra i primi motivi che causano la tubercolosi. Come se non bastassero stupri, torture e i pestaggi. #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibyaRefugees In Libya:βπ‘π‘πIn #AinZara it is not uncommon as people sleep in the toilets in poor hygienic conditions, bedbugs,laces arising tuberculosis. This inhumane act of the @moigovly @EU_Commission is unacceptable and should be punishable by the law if it exists for the black people.
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibyaRefugees #AinZara #TripoliNel