Erster Test für „flüssige“ Fusion. Flüssiger Fusionsbrennstoff könnte Laserfusion näher an die Anwendung bringen. #Kernfusion #Laserfusion #Fusion #NIF #Deuterium #Tritium #Physik
#kernfusion #laserfusion #fusion #nif #DEUTERIUM #Tritium #physik
Fukushima Daiichi Tritium: Dwarfed by China, Other Foreign Discharges
>In Western countries, the numbers are exponentially higher. For example, they are 454.5 times higher for La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in #France. Also, they are 54 times higher at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in #Canada. And 14.7 times for the Heysham Power Station in the United Kingdom compared to #Fukushima Daiichi. #UK #tritium #China
#China #Tritium #UK #Fukushima #Canada #France
Ein interessanter Beitrag der #DeutschenWelle zur Entscheidung von #Tepco das kontaminierte Kühlwasser von #Fukushima in den Pazifik abzuleiten.
Interessant ist, ob sich die angeblich so niedrigen Werte u.a. von #Tritium durch unabhängige Stellen nach der Filterung bestätigen.
In jedem Fall klärt der Artikel überhaupt mal ordentlich darüber auf, was das Ableiten überhaupt bedeutet.
#Tritium #fukushima #tepco #DeutschenWelle
#Fukushima: China accused of hypocrisy over its own release of wastewater from nuclear plants | The Guardian
>Plant in #China releases water with higher amounts of #tritium, scientist says, calling into question the reason for seafood ban imposed on #Japan
#Japan #Tritium #China #Fukushima
#DidYouKnow:#Hydrogen has three main #Isotopes; #Protium, #Deuterium and #Tritium. These isotopes form naturally in nature.
Protium and deuterium are stable. Tritium is radioactive and has a half-life of about 12 years
#Tritium #deuterium #protium #isotopes #hydrogen #didyouknow
Fukushima: Kühlwasser-Einleitung ins Meer steht bevor. Erste Tests für die umstrittene Freisetzung des tritiumhaltigen Wassers haben begonnen. #Fukushima #Tritium #radioaktiv #TEPCO #Kontamination #Atomkraft
#fukushima #Tritium #radioaktiv #Tepco #Kontamination #Atomkraft
TLDR: Charger companies to support #NACS:
#ABB #Blink #Chargepoint #EVgo #FLO #Tritium #Wallbox 👍
#Tesla’s NACS connector gains support from a bunch of other companies
#Tesla #wallbox #Tritium #flo #evgo #chargepoint #blink #abb #nacs
"Leaks from #Minnesota nuclear power plant raise safety fears across US
Leaks were contained and posed no danger, official reports say, but past disasters continue to cause fears of power source.
In December, Janica Jammes started a microgreens business just across the river from #Xcel Energy’s #NuclearWaste plant in #Monticello.
At least once each day, she uses water from her well to nourish the plant trays. She delivers her product to customers within a 10-mile radius and says the business has been a success.
But now she worries that her water could be contaminated by a leak of about 400,000 gallons of radioactive water that occurred in November at the plant, which is about 40 miles north-west of #Minneapolis.
Moreover, Jammes is upset that the company did not alert the public about the leak until March – and then detected a second leak, which the company described as smaller than the first one."
#minnesota #xcel #NuclearWaste #monticello #minneapolis #nuclearpower #Tritium
Japan intends to release more than a million tons of treated radioactive☢️ wastewater from the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea — China wants Tokyo to first seek approval from neighboring nations. #fukushimaWater
#Tritium☢️ #TEPCO #Japan
#Japan #TEPCO #Tritium #FukushimaWater
Massimo Luciani - The National Ignition Facility (NIF) produced more energy than that used from nuclear fusion:
#NationalIgnitionFacility #NIF #LawrenceLivermore #LLNL #LASER #Deuterium #Tritium #NuclearFusion #Fusion #NuclearEnergy #CleanEnergy #Energy #NuclearPhysics #Physics
#physics #NuclearPhysics #energy #cleanenergy #nuclearenergy #Fusion #nuclearfusion #Tritium #Deuterium #laser #LLNL #LawrenceLivermore #NIF #NationalIgnitionFacility
Auf so eine Einordnung habe ich gewartet: - Die Fusionsforscher des großen US-Labors LLNL machen das, was sie am besten können: Erfolge vermelden. Doch der »Durchbruch« ist nur ein Fortschritt, kommentiert Katharina Menne
Kernfusion: Die Zukunft der Fusion liegt immer noch in der Zukunft
#Kernfusion #Laserfusion #Trägheitsfusion #Plasma #Kernreaktion #Sonne #Stern #Reaktor #Wasserstoff #Deuterium #Tritium #LLNL #LawrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory
#Kernfusion #laserfusion #tragheitsfusion #plasma #kernreaktion #Sonne #Stern #Reaktor #Wasserstoff #Deuterium #Tritium #llnl #LawrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory
#ITER #Tokamak #JointEuropeanTorus #JET #Torus #Fusion #Reactor #Plasma #Deuterium #Tritium #EUROFusion #AlternativeEnergy #CleanEnergy #Energy #Electricity #Engineering #Physics
#physics #engineering #electricity #energy #cleanenergy #alternativeenergy #EUROFusion #Tritium #Deuterium #plasma #Reactor #Fusion #Torus #jet #JointEuropeanTorus #Tokamak #ITER
Beijing slams Japan’s plan for radioactive Fukushima water as ‘extremely irresponsible’
#Radioactive #Tritium #TEPCO #Fukushima
#Fukushima #TEPCO #Tritium #radioactive
#BREAKING: Japan decides to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant into sea #TEPCO #Fukushima #Tritium #OpGreenRights
#Anonymous #climatestrike #ClimateAction #OpGreenRights #Tritium #Fukushima #TEPCO #Breaking
The government of Japan and TEPCO will dump radioactive tritium - contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. #Fukushima
#TEPCO #Japan #Tritium #ClimateAction
#OpGreenRights #FridaysForFuture #climatestrike #ClimateAction #Tritium #Japan #TEPCO #Fukushima