#RPGaDAY2023 Day 31 - Favourite RPG. **DON'T MAKE ME CHOOOOOOOSE!** There are so many, great, great games out there, and they all bring something different. Just this year I've hugely enjoyed #TrophyDark, #Liminal, #YellowKing, #BlueHack, #Numenera, #BlackSwordHack, #Pendragon, #MatronsOfMystery, #OSE, #Mausritter, #OutOfTheAshes, #RiversOfLondon and more. All were fabulous, all were different. So, my favourite RPG is all the RPGs - diversity rules!
#rpgaday2023 #TrophyDark #liminal #YellowKing #BLUEHACK #numenera #blackswordhack #Pendragon #matronsofmystery #ose #Mausritter #OutoftheAshes #riversoflondon
#RPGaDay2023 day 28:
fear and horror are things I haven't ever really felt together with the character(s).
But afair I also haven't had a really intense game of that kind. Closest would probably be the #trophydark round in the beginnning of this year, but that was more like a dark generally tone and strange occurrences through the eyes of a disillusioned person who didn't openly welcome his end, but also didn't fear it. He just accepted it as it happened.
#rpgaday2023 #TrophyDark #ttrpg
Day 26) Favourite CHARACTER SHEET
Always the ones adorned or created by my players. The #OSE sheet below has been beautifully colored by my friend Tab (I have a photo of the sheet at the wall of my living room), the #TrophyDark sheet was created by @thopan who posted it a few days ago on Mastodon
#folkdnd #StillBetterArtThanDocumenta
#rpgaday2023 #OSE #TrophyDark #folkdnd #stillbetterartthandocumenta
plus on saturday I'm gonna play some #TrophyDark on saturday as a get to know you type game in preparation for playing #DungeonBitches !! I'm so fuckin STOKED about it you have NO idea, I've been wanting to play Dungeon Bitches since I backed it and just hadn't found the right group for it and I am FROTHING AND FOAMING AT THE MOUTH TO PLAY IT AAAAAAAAA
Dank @thopan und @greenspindle konnte ich auch aus dem Urlaub heraus eine spannende Rollenspielrunde erleben und mich bei #TrophyDark gruseln. Wir haben die Forest of Blades Inkursion in lockeren 3 Stunden runtergespielt. Schön an Trophy ist u.a., dass sich diese Erzählspiel-Preziose wirklich gut für „echte“ one shots eignet.
15) Favorite #TTRPG convention module or one-shot
My favorite one-shot to run is "The Flocculent Cathedral," an incursion for Trophy Dark, written by my dear friend @jimlikesgames .
It's a dark-fantasy horror scenario about a group of doomed treasure-hunters seeking fabled riches in an abandoned church lost to a desolate swamp. Lots of squishy, squirmy, wriggly, mossy, swampy horror where the characters invariably turn on each other at the climax.
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #TrophyDark #trophyrpg
#RPGaDay2023 (15) : "Favourite con module/one shot". Have not attended a con for decades, but generally speaking, when it comes to one shots, I like #DCC funnels (#SailorsOnTheStarlessSea in particular), #TrophyDark incursions, the scenarios found in the #DeadPlanet module for #MothershipRPG, Hester‘s Mill for #TrophyGoldRPG, #WintersDaughter for #OSE … could add more
#rpgaday2023 #dcc #sailorsonthestarlesssea #TrophyDark #deadplanet #mothershiprpg #TrophyGoldRPG #wintersdaughter #OSE
@FriendlyFiend IMO #TrophyDark and #TrophyGoldRPG excel in delivering the best and most memorable character deaths 😍
Just got confirmation that I'm scheduled to run Games on Demand at Big Bad Con on Friday and Saturday evenings! I'll be offering Royal Blood and Trophy Dark -- excited to see what gets chosen!
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpgConvention #BigBadCon #BigBadCon23 #BigBadCon2023 #RoyalBloodRPG #TrophyRPG #TrophyDark
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpgconvention #BigBadCon #bigbadcon23 #bigbadcon2023 #royalbloodrpg #trophyrpg #TrophyDark
Is there anybody who knows, has played and used all candidates at the #ENNieAwards ? I voted for some fine candidates (#TrophyDark , #FrontierScum , #GameOmnivorous , #BarkeeperOfTheBorderland …), but in all honesty there was a lot of staff, which I didn’t know anything about… #TTRPG
#ENNieAwards #TrophyDark #frontierscum #gameomnivorous #barkeeperoftheborderland #ttrpg
Finally got to play Butter Princess — a gastronomic horror adventure set at the Minnesota State Fair —, and it was a treat!
Wannabe YouTuber Abstinence 'Abby' Wilson didn't succeed in stealing or being crowned the Butter Princess, but she did almost destroy herself in the process of failing
#ButterPrincess #ButterPrincessRPG #RootedInTrophy #TrophyDark #TrophyRPG #ttrpg #ttrpgs
#butterprincess #butterprincessrpg #rootedintrophy #TrophyDark #trophyrpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
I love #horror ttrpgs. What‘s your favorite #horror game, apart from the biggest (tentacled) fish in the pond (#CallOfCthulhu)?
My choice:
- #TrophyDark for #FolkHorror ish stuff
- #MothershipRPG for blue collar #SciFi horror
- #CthulhuDark bc the way it handles horror as a metaphor for power(lessness) so good and demonstrates that cosmic horror does not need long skill lists
- #FearItself for investigative procedures
- #osr games: low lvl dungeoncrawls = survival horror
#horror #callofcthulhu #TrophyDark #folkhorror #mothershiprpg #scifi #CthulhuDark #fearitself #osr
I played in a FANTASTIC session of Trophy Dark earlier this week. The scenario was "The Huntsman's Feast" by Ember & Ash Games. I think my character was one of the most evil people I've every played in an RPG, and I was gleeful at her demise when she hit Ruin 6!
Here is a link to a video of the session:
@Morgunin @HeyeBodo Wenn Du #TrophyDark o. Ä. mit einer Note #Symbaroum spielen willst, do it!!
Mein #Symbaroum is extremely bleeaaaak! Deins vielleicht etwas bunter... Und das ist gut so. Enjoy.
The Forest of Blades - #TrophyDark
The Screaming on the Alexis - #MothershipRPG
Tales of the Scarecrow - #LotFP
#TrophyDark #mothershiprpg #LotFP
@factolvictor All hail Queen Korinthia! I helped to make the international version possible. I think the setting and the atmosphere are the strong side of #Symbaroum, a mashup of #PrincessMononoke and #GameofThrones. The system has some challenges (zero to hero).
I don’t know much about #TrophyDark but I strongly disagree with @HeyeBodo comparison.
Treasure hunting in the #Davokar is not even a half of the game, it‘s closer to #WFRP #TEW (etc.) It’s no indie #ttrpg. For the #IronPact! Enjoy.
#symbaroum #princessmononoke #gameofthrones #TrophyDark #Davokar #WFRP #tew #ttrpg #IronPact
#TrophyDark lese ich auch immer wieder hier. Das klingt sehr interessant. Ich glaube ich würde es gern mal probieren.
@AetherEgo I am into all kinds of horror stuff if it comes to #ttrpgs and movies 🙃 I’m particularly fond of survival horror with/without zombies (#TheDeadAreComing), Alien-esque blue collar sci-fi horror a la #MothershipRPG and #FolkHorror (big Fan of #TrophyDark and #TrophyGoldRPG ). Currently, I‘m reading #LiminalHorror (non lovecraftian cosmic horror, based on #cairn), like to give it try! Horror ttrpgs i like: #FearItself, #CthulhuDark.
#ttrpgs #thedeadarecoming #mothershiprpg #folkhorror #TrophyDark #TrophyGoldRPG #LiminalHorror #cairn #fearitself #CthulhuDark
Der März ist so gut wie vorbei und mein #CY_BORG Projekt vorerst abgehakt ☑️ Am Wochenende leite ich einen #ThirstySwordLesbians One-Shot für Freunde, und im „Gaypril“ geht es weiter mit #MoonlightOnRosevilleBeach. Deadline für den Dunes & Disco Jam ist in weniger als einen Monat. Im Mai leite ich #CandlelightRPG und lese mich in #TrophyDark ein. #MÖRKBORG Album Crawl ist im Juni fällig. Das #MoRB Abenteuer wird für #TriangleAgency im Juli angepasst. #WIP #gamejams
#CY_BORG #ThirstySwordLesbians #moonlightonrosevillebeach #candlelightrpg #TrophyDark #morkborg #morb #triangleagency #wip #gamejams