Ich finde immer wieder faszinierend, wie ältere Cartoons in neuem Licht erstrahlen, wenn sich in der Gesellschaft was verschiebt.
Wie zum Beispiel Wahlergebnisse.
Daher hier mal ein Blick auf eine Karikatur vom Januar 2021, als in den USA das Kapitol gestürmt wurde.
#capitol #trump2024 #wahlergebnisse #afdLandrat
#afdlandrat #wahlergebnisse #Trump2024 #capitol
RT Don Winslow
Dear #MAGA, #TrumpRally, #Trump, #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica, #Trump2024
The TRUTH has been right in front of you for FIVE DECADES.
He's a LOSER.
He even says it himself.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/donwinslow/status/1675605537705308160
#MAGA #TrumpRally #trump #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica #Trump2024
Schlechte Nachricht:
#RonDeSantis tritt zur #Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 in den #USA an.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob der nicht noch (viel) schlimmer (und gefährlicher) ist, als der #Trump'el ... ?
#Election #Trump2024
#rondesantis #prasidentschaftswahl #usa #trump #election #Trump2024
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1638120682792927232#m
Apparently indictment is delayed and isn't happening until tomorrow!
#Trump2024 #FuckTrump #TrumpIndictment
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1637928206987669506#m
In other #TrumpCrimeFamily sagas
A federal judge in NY refuses to consolidate the journalist E. Jean Carrol's 2 cases against Donald Trump (rape & defamation case).
Rape trial set for April 2023 Defamation, someday.
#TrumpIsACriminal #TRUMP2024 for Jail
#TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpIsACriminal #Trump2024
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1637888175291899916#m
When a rat is cornered they will say and do anything to survive. Trump and his #MAGAT followers are kicking and screaming, void of all logic.
#TRUMP2024 for Jail!
Isn’t it beautiful?
#MAGAT #TrumpCrimeFamily #Trump2024
When a rat is cornered they will say and do anything to survive. Trump and his #MAGAT followers are kicking and screaming, void of all logic.
#TRUMP2024 for Jail!
Isn’t it beautiful?
#magat #trumpcrimefamily #Trump2024
Im Westen nichts Neues nur etwas anders. Trump ruft Mal wieder zum Putsch auf. 🙄
23 #Lügen in einer Rede von Donald #Trump, dem größten #Lügner aller #POTUS , beim #CPAC2023
#TRUMP2024 gefährdet die #Demokratie in den #USA und damit auch unsere.
#TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica ist beängstigend!
#TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica #usa #demokratie #Trump2024 #cpac2023 #potus #Lugner #trump #lugen
Unglaublich! Ein Gesetz in #Georgia soll ermöglichen, dass unliebsame und unbequeme #Staatsanwälte entlassen werden können. Dieser #USA Staat beendet die #Unabhängigkeit der Justiz. Was für ein Wahnsinn!
Das ist nach dem Geschmack von #TRUMP2024
#Demokratie ist gefährdet
RT @DeanObeidallah
Please pay attention to GOP in Georgia: they just passed a bill in Senate to give GOP ability to remove any prosecutor. This is 100% so th…
#demokratie #Trump2024 #unabhangigkeit #usa #staatsanwalte #georgia
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1603440987283636237#m
Now this is a trading card we would buy. Retweet if you agree
#Trump2024 for jail
#TrumpIsALaughingStock #Trump2024
America needs a Superhero!
#Trump #Trump2024 #MAGA #SaveAmerica
Big Announcement Today
Thursday Dec. 15th 2022
#trump #Trump2024 #MAGA #saveamerica
To all the Andy Griffith show fans out there, remember Barney dressed up in drag several times. Guess the show is not family safe after all. Time to stop watching it or else your children might grow up gay. #lgbtqia #WokeAF #magacult #homophobia #Trump2024 #gop #familyvalues
#lgbtqia #wokeaf #magacult #homophobia #Trump2024 #gop #familyvalues
#trump #2024 #MAGA #GOP #kevinmcarthy #mitchmcconell #republicans #Trump2024 If you say "grab em by their (female parts) bc when your famous, they let you," you are misogynist, if not a masochist.
If you are 70ish and say you don't know what the KKK is, you're either lying through your fake ass teeth, or your a racist.
If you have dinner with a widely known 24-year old punk ass anti-semite named Nick Fuentes, only to demure that you "never knew that," but the entire fucking world knows Nick Fuentes said Holocaust victims were "like burnt cookies," (while simultaneously denying the Holocaust, ironically), you are also an anti-semite.
All this from a man who has been impeached twice, has umpteen criminal and civil cases pending against him, has demonstrably undermined democracy by lying about election fraud and has been the only so-called President to ever lead a coup against the United States of America ... and people are still stupid enough to champion his cause.
At this point, the stupidity/ignorant defense has lost out. If you find yourself still supporting Trump, you do not get to hide behind those feeble defenses. You are as bad as he is, or worse... and deserve all the shame and intolerance as he does.
Sorry, I aint sorry.
#trump #MAGA #gop #kevinmcarthy #mitchmcconell #republicans #Trump2024
It must be hard after stacking the Supreme Court in your favor to have them have to tell you to fuck off.
#RememberToWipeAfterYouTrump #trump #Trump2024
Donald Trump doesn't have the balls to create his own political party to truly take on the GOP. I'd like to see him try.
#trump #Trump2024 #RememberToWipeAfterYouTrump
Why is he
still allowed
to run for office?!
Mann aus Florida macht Ankündigung...
If you delay charging him with anything until you can charge him with everything, you’ll end up never charging him at all.
Justice too long delayed is… well… you know.