Putting #FPOTUS in jail is not how you define a win. FPOTUS holding up a "#TrumpAcquitted" headline is certainly not a win. A win is confronting him in public with every fact and witness starting in 2015. A win is humiliating him with everyone watching. A win is destroying his hold on followers. FPOTUS in jail for retaining documents? FPOTUS in jail for tax evasion? That won't end him and that's what a win is - revealing it all from A to Z, day after day, right to his fucking face.
Any #criminal action against #FPOTUS for any one of his #crimes does nothing for me. My fantasy is a #truthandreconciliationcommission with #Trump sitting in the #glassbooth, assured no #jail will result, and have him listen and #respond to #witness after witness, covering everything that followed his #escalator descent. #Civil actions can continue to drive him to #bankruptcy but I don't need him to play #politicalprisoner and I don't want to risk another "#TRUMPACQUITTED" headline.
#TrumpAcquitted #politicalprisoner #bankruptcy #civil #escalator #witness #respond #jail #glassbooth #trump #truthandreconciliationcommission #crimes #fpotus #Criminal