Those chanting “Make America Great Again” ... they worship their fantasy idea of Trump: a comic book maverick who doesn’t need to read, listen to experts, adhere to the rules of decency or follow any code of ethics - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
#TrumpIsRacist #trumpisevilpersonified #TrumpIsALaughingStock #KareemAbdulJabbar
That orange dotard didn't just shake America, the f^er rattled the whole world! Because of his inanities and demented political rhetorics, all kind of creatures and creepy crawlers came out of the woodwork! Elections have consequences America, keep the baboon in an isolated cage. Some snooty Americans would retort why do I care when I'm from the frigid north. Well ...
#trumpbelongsinjail #TrumpIsRacist #TrumpIsALaughingStock #ElectionsHaveConsequences