"The FBI found documents containing classified intelligence regarding Iran and China at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, SAY TWO PEOPLE familiar with the matter." (Who are these two mystery people?)
The Post reported, BUT NBC NEWS HAS NOT CONFIRMED, that “at least one of the documents seized by the FBI describes Iran’s missile program.”
11th Circuit didn't address these key legal points.
Again, under Presidential Records Act:
1. Records "received" by the President are presidential records
2. He determines what are "personal"
2. Former Presidents get unfettered access to their records
Including classified.
The doc purported to be from the U.S. Treasury Department, claimed that the agency had seized sensitive docs related to last month’s search at Mar-a-Lago and included a warrant ordering CNN to preserve “leaked tax records.”
The doc remained late Thursday on the court docket, but it is a clear fabrication. A review of dozens of court records and interviews by The AP suggest the doc originated with a serial forger behind bars at a federal prison complex in NC. https://apnews.com/article/florida-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-government-and-politics-66882a678d6f7d3b1d9abe019575092d
She's a conservative veteran of DOJ who witnessed what happened internally since the start of Obama's second term.
She's got stellar legal credentials.
And she's not following the DOJ playbook because she is refusing to accept DOJ representations as established facts.
Here is why the leftwing legal pundits are so agitated over Judge Cannon's refusal to rollover and let DOJ call the shots on how to handle the documents.
She spent 7 years as an ASUA in the SDFL before she was nominated to the Court by Trump.
The last 3 years of the second Obama term and the entire Trump term.
She graduated magna cum laude from Univ. of Michigan Law School, after getting her undergrad degree at Duke.
She's been a member of the Federalist Society since 2005.
This idea that classified records cannot be presidential records -- and thus, cannot be protected by Executive Privilege -- is simply legally wrong. https://twitter.com/mrddmia/status/1570565582608826368
AG Merrick Garland leaked he deliberated "for weeks" before ordering the unprecedented, unnecessary, & unlawful home raid on President Trump.
Q. Why didn't Garland walk down the hall to get an opinion from the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)?
A. He wouldn't have liked the answer.
P.S. "Presidential records" include documents "created or received" by the President and his staff.
Guess what this includes?
Documents the President receives from government agencies.
Classified or non-classified.
See 44 U.S.C. § 2201(2).
Game over, Biden.
Bottom Line:
President Trump had the absolute constitutional and statutory right to take and maintain all of his records at Mar-A-Lago, classified or declassified.
Another hoax.
Big🧵Destroying Biden Regime’s Evolving Excuses for Unprecedented, Unnecessary, and Unlawful (Political) Home Raid of President Trump: https://twitter.com/mrddmia/status/1557799017592922112
the United States has the absolute constitutional (and statutory and regulatory) power to declassify anything he wants: https://twitter.com/mrddmia/status/1569361642034454528
The Presidential Records Act is very clear, as Trump's legal team points out:
"[T]he Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President's designated representative."
44 U.S.C. § 2205(3).
Including classified records.
He was Rudy's counterpart at EDNY. Spent many years prosecuting mobsters & banksters in NYC. Then became a judge & convicted & sentenced crooks.
He is certainly in the know at a minimum.
#SpecialMaster Order Reveals #Biden’s Direct Involvement In #TrumpRaid And Six Other Bombshells. https://chaunceyibrowniii.com/chaunceys-blog/f/special-master-order-reveals-biden%E2%80%99s-direct-involvement-in-raid
#TrumpRaid #biden #specialmaster
"Holy sh*t, “rookie errors?” This is being handled by TOP of DOJ and DC District Court and now a blatant attempt to circumvent the rules is blamed on mistakes?
This is so rigged—which is why they all oppose appointment of a special master."
~ Julie Kelly
thread by Brandon Van Grack re #TrumpRaid