Here’s a good break down of Tr*mps taxes. Please, if you read anything of import today, let this be one of those things.
Trump's tax returns released by House committee show he paid little in taxes
Trump Tax Returns Released by House Democrats
The publication of former President Donald J. Trump’s private tax documents comes amid questions about why the I.R.S. failed to fully audit him during his presidency. #trumpstaxes #TrumpTaxReturns
"While much of the information in the tax returns has already come to light, including through the two reports released last week, the full records from 2015 through 2020 are expected to provide a rare window into the complexity of Mr. Trump’s finances and whether he may have profited from tax policies he signed into law as president. Those include the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, which provided a series of tax breaks and cuts for businesses and wealthy people." #TrumpTaxRetuns #trumpstaxes
How the release of Trump’s taxes blows up a big GOP myth
Despite all the Republican talk of 'fishing expeditions,' Democrats have been vindicated.
Gifted article w my subscription to the @washingtonpost
@GregSargent @paulwaldman #washingtonpost
#trumpstaxes #trumpstaxreturn #WaysandMeansCommittee #gop #democrats
#democrats #gop #WaysandMeansCommittee #trumpstaxreturn #TrumpsTaxes #washingtonpost
The Art of the Grift:
Trump claimed to make billions, but for the 6 years of taxes released by the January 6th Committee, Trump declared he not only made lost tens of millions, he paid no taxes and grifted his way to $3,692,251 in “refunds.”
#TrumpsTaxes #LockHimUp #January6thCommittee
#January6thCommittee #lockhimup #TrumpsTaxes
#TrumpsTaxes. The initial information on TFG's taxes reveals the failure to conduct the required mandatory audits. For example 2016 tax audit didn't happen until 2019. The IRS Inspector General should have his pedal to the metal right now.
#TrumpsTaxes. The initial information on TFG's taxes reveals the failure to conduct the required mandatory audits. For example 2016 tax audit didn't happen until 2019. The IRS Inspector General should have his pedal to the metal right now.
Remember a bad day for #TFG is a great day for US!
#indicttrumpandhisaccomplices #TrumpsTaxes #TFG
Remember a bad day for #TFG is a great day for US!
#indicttrumpandhisaccomplices #TrumpsTaxes #TFG
Great news: House committee votes to make public Trump’s tax returns #trumpstaxes #trumptaxreturns #trumpstaxaudit
#trumpstaxaudit #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpsTaxes