Reality is: #Brexit #Britain under the @conservatives has become an irrelevance within the context of global superpower power-playing!
It will take the UK a very long time to extricate itself from the wreckage of 14 years of Tory misrule - & I have * zero* confidence that a @UKLabour government under ‘Sir’ Keir (#KidStarver) #Starmer is up to the job of ‘building back better’!
To the contrary, I fear they will just manage our decline slightly more effectively but just as corruptly!
#ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern #Sunak #Johnson #May #Truss #Cameron #Austerity
#brexit #britain #kidstarver #starmer #ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern #Sunak #johnson #May #Truss #cameron #austerity
Ah the Truss years...I mean weeks...sorry, days. 😂
#LizTruss #Truss #UKPol #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #ukpol #Truss #liztruss
"Not only had the opposition asked multiple questions in the past two years but the Labour leader had raised this in a speech over the summer. Oh, whined RishGPT, but you only said the buildings were collapsing. You didn’t say they were collapsing with Raac."
John Crace
#keegan #raac #williamson #Truss #Sunak #13yearstorymisrule
I wrote this this morning, and later it occurred to me that we didn't even get articles for Liz #Truss's first hundred days. Her record-breaking premiership lasted 49 days
Peternimmo - What happened to all the articles today on Liz #Truss's first year as prime minister?
#UKpol #UK #politics
Just leaving this here as a reminder of #Truss "economic policy" that tanked the economy, and adversely impacted those with the least resources with the most.
#ToryFascistDictatorship #TorySewageParty #ToryCorruption #GTTO
#gtto #ToryCorruption #TorySewageParty #ToryFascistDictatorship #Truss
Nadine #Dorries' resignation letter is quite something. She hints at sorts of murky goings on in the #Tory party. Missing, however, are the issues which most of the population know brought down the last four prime ministers- #Cameron's disastrous #Brexit referendum, #May's inability to deal with the machinations of the Right, #Johnson's allowing Downing Street to become a #party venue during #COVID, and #Truss's economic imbecility
#dorriesresignation #Truss #COVID #party #johnson #may #brexit #cameron #tory #Dorries
In 13+ yrs the #Tories have utterly wrecked #Britain’s:
- economy
- social services
- education system
- environment
- social care system
- justice system
- prisons
- probation system
- academic research base
- the BBC &
- our standing in the world!
#Cameron, #May, #Johnson, #Truss #Sunak & multiple others shud be standing trial for misconduct in public office and, if found guilty, should face jail time!
#ToryCorruption #ToryIncompetence #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryBrexitCatastrophe #ToryCovidDisaster #ToriesOut
#tories #britain #cameron #May #johnson #Truss #Sunak #ToryCorruption #ToryIncompetence #ToriesUnfitToGovern #torybrexitcatastrophe #ToryCovidDisaster #ToriesOut
Government documents show Ms Truss was responsible for 51% of government spending on foreign flights, accommodation and meals during 2022. #ukpolitics #tories #truss #climatechange
#ukpolitics #tories #Truss #ClimateChange
Evidence that there are some people who have no #shame. Two people turned down gongs in Liz #Truss's resignation #honours list. But 14 others have accepted! Imagine spending the rest of your life as Sir or Lord Something and everyone knowing you got it from Liz Truss. These people are on a different #ethical planet than most of us
#morality #politics
#politics #morality #ethical #honours #Truss #shame
In 10 months since being PM, #Truss "has delivered speeches in Washington, Taiwan, Japan, India and Switzerland for up to £65,000 apiece. She has spoken just three times in the House of Commons.
It is unclear when she last held a surgery in her constituency: none are advertised on the South West Norfolk Conservative Association’s website. That website still identifies her as international trade secretary, a post she left to become foreign secretary in September 2021"
Tensioning 3D Prints For Lightweight, Strong Parts - Desktop 3D printers have come a long way over the past decade. They’re now afforda... - #3dprinterhacks #pretensioned #lightweight #tensioning #3dprinter #kevlar #thread #truss #lamp
#lamp #Truss #thread #kevlar #3dprinter #tensioning #lightweight #pretensioned #3dprinterhacks
Tories pick Trump supporter Susan Hall as London mayor candidate | The Independent
#tories #LondonMayor #trump #hall #hardright #HatesDiversity #Truss #minibudget #johnson #TwoHorseRace
'When it comes to Brexit, things can only get worse
World-renowned economist Adam Posen reveals some tough truths about Britain’s situation'
'First is you have to be more straight and narrow on your macro policies, not austerity, not self-destructive austerity, but you have to be more cautious – not to be like Truss and Kwarteng, not promising to spend crazy amounts, because you’ve got less room for error. The markets will punish you.'
“On the US side, officials described the inherent distrust of Johnson and despair at Truss. They found the way both went about politics inherently unreliable. And while the assessment of Truss came from her short period in office, the view of Johnson was built over his many years as a public figure. “
#Brexit #Biden #Truss #Johnson
#brexit #biden #Truss #johnson
Here's Liz setting up another "think tank". This one will I imagine handily vindicate her approach to everything. It's telling that there opening gambit is look how much better off Americans are. Not Europeans, who are I suspect also better off, but Americans while ignoring that #Biden has done a lot of the opposite of what these charlatans believe.
Liz Truss hints her disastrous mini-budget would have worked out | Politics News | Sky News
#gtto #Truss #Economics
#biden #gtto #Truss #economics
Shamed Liz #Truss hides at launch of her own new Growth Commission to 'fix economy'