In terms of the #InternetTakeover, full list is #CloucHore (#MIC) + #GAFAM, #China, #Yandex, fwict.
Today I read about how #DoH is not the panache. Anyone with half a brain can see that but I think I'm most offended by #Firefox's implementation of it. They have given everything to the #propagandaMerchant itself, CloucHore?!
#Mozilla's term, #TrustedRecursiveResolver is absolute garbage. On the Internet there is no "#trusted"!
#InternetTakeover #cloucHore #mic #gafam #china #yandex #doh #firefox #propagandaMerchant #mozilla #TrustedRecursiveResolver #trusted #dnsoverhttps
[#BotActu] « Comcast’s Xfinity Internet Service Joins Firefox’s Trusted Recursive Resolver Program » #TrustedRecursiveResolver(TRR) #InternetServiceProvider(ISP) #PressReleases #DNSoverHTTPS #MozillaNews #Statement #Firefox #Privacy #DoH
#BotActu #TrustedRecursiveResolver #internetserviceprovider #pressreleases #dnsoverhttps #mozillanews #statement #firefox #privacy #doh