(Migrating to sigmoid.social. Sorry for reposting)
Hi Mastodon :mastodondance: ! This is Jiaqi Ma. I'm currently a postdoc at #Harvard Business School. I'm also an incoming assistant professor in the School of Information Sciences at #UIUC.
My research interests include trustworthy machine learning, graph machine learning, and recommender systems. Recently, I'm also dipping into explainable ML and NLP.
More at jiaqima.com
#Introduction #harvard #UIUC #machinelearning #TrustworthyML #graphml #recsys #xai
Hi everyone, #introduction
I’m a PhD Candidate at UPenn interested in making #reinforcementlearning as sample-efficient as children (See our CoRL 2022 paper: https://openreview.net/forum?id=pPR--ivXwPD) and in improving the robustness of neural networks. Please find more info about my work at https://kaustubhsridhar.github.io/
Hoping to follow lots of people here (like in that other app haha) #reinforcementlearning, #TrustworthyML
#Introduction #reinforcementlearning #TrustworthyML