Found this on r/zerowaste and thought I would share it as a travel friendly soap dish, or an option to use in various rooms in the house.
Sometimes it is hard to recognise or understand what accreditations on some of our products really means. Likewise are some accreditations are more meaningful than others; this #TryDayFriday let us address 6 different standards reviewed by The Ethical Consumer "A guide to cruelty-free and animal testing certification."
This #TryDayFriday consider swapping a liquid shampoo ,body wash and/or conditioner to a bar. Bars of these products come with less packaging and you might find them easier to transport when going on holiday.
This #TryDayFriday consider picking up the lonely banana(s). According to GoingZeroWaste, lonely bananas not in a bunch are typically thrown out by grocers.
Ethical Consumer have collated a list of 100 tips to help save money whilst shopping as ethically as possible. #TryDayFriday
This #TryDayFriday my recommendation is The Big Green Money Show by the BBC. Episodes are released every Friday, and podcast is in its 2nd series with the latest episode released looking at peat free compost.
We are now through the first week of #PlasticFreeJuly. Instead of buying new reusables and #zerowaste items, this #TryDayFriday remember to rethink, repurpose, and reuse what you have. Buying less can be even better than buying green. Graphic: homovirido
#TryDayFriday #zerowaste #PlasticFreeJuly
What to avoid, shift and improve to better help the environment this #TryDayFriday
With Plastic Free July starting in 7 days this TryDay Friday consider planning to take part. Wether you trying to eradicate all plastics, tackle a certain room such as the kitchen or reduce plastic though not buying plastic shopping bags, it all adds up.
#TryDayFriday #PlasticFreeJuly #july #plastic
This #TryDayFriday lets aim to reduce single waste products whilst on the go. Personally, I keep a collapsable drinks cup in my bag on the off-chance I want a drink on the go therefore, I do not need a single use cup and lid.
Eco and Beyond (2019) reported that in the United Kingdom we "...waste 900,000 tonnes of bread every year in the UK. This equates to around 24 million slices, or 1 million loaves, every day. Or, almost 9 billion slices a fact, almost half of all bread produced here in the UK, 44%, is thrown away."
This #TryDayFriday can we spare a thought for the common loaf of bread and buy only what we need, perhaps freeze slices make puddings such as bread and butter pudding, turn stale slices into breadcrumbs etc.
#FoodWaste #Waste #Food #Bread
#bread #Food #waste #foodwaste #TryDayFriday