#Celtic #LegendaryWednesday: Under the Cairn of Octriallach lies buried the life spring of the #TuathaDèDanann, where the dead and injured of the Second Battle of #Moytura were restored in the Tobar Sláine (Well of Health), after the three god-doctors Diancécht and his two
#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #TuathaDèDanann #Moytura
#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday: The three god-doctors Diancécht and his two sons Òc-Tríal and Míach, as well as Diancécht's daughter Airmed, had cast their spells over Tobar Sláine (Well of Health), the life spring of the #TuathaDèDanann. Their magic was so powerful that the
#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #TuathaDèDanann
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at the Heapstown Cairn/`The Cairn of Octriallach`: Here at the life spring of #TuathaDèDanann dead or injured of the Second Battle of #Moytura were restored in the Tobar Sláine (Well of Health), after the three god-doctors Diancécht and his two sons
#CelticSoulJourney #TuathaDèDanann #Moytura
#Diancécht, `Master of the Well of Health`, was able to heal all the wounds of the #TuathaDéDanann at the 2nd Battle of #MagTuired, as long as the head was not cut off, the meninges were not injured or the spinal cord was not damaged. #Spells he had cast together with his three children over the well of life of the #TuathaDèDanann caused these miracles. The `Well of Health` could even bring dead warriors back to life, they only lost their ability to speak.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten` #Celtic #Mythology
#Diancécht #TuathaDéDanann #MagTuired #spells #TuathaDèDanann #Kelten #celtic #mythology
#Diancécht, the #Celtic `Master of the Well of Health`, was able to heal all the wounds of the #TuathaDéDanann at the 2nd Battle of #MagTuired, as long as the head was not cut off, the meninges were not injured or the spinal cord was not damaged. #Spells he together with his three children had
cast over the well of life of the #TuathaDèDanann caused these miracles. The `Well of Health` could even bring dead warriors back to life, they only lost their ability to speak.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
#Diancécht #celtic #TuathaDéDanann #MagTuired #spells #TuathaDèDanann #Kelten #celticmythology