@ch0ccyra1n There's three dedicated clients that I know of, but they all seem abandoned, eg:
#Thorium (last updated April 2022)
#P2Play (Dec 2019)
#Tubelab (July 2022)
Right now I would recommend just using one of the more maintained #Mastodon clients that also supports #Peertube, like #Fedilab.
You could also try #NewPipe / #YaShlang.
I wish someone would take the code from Fedilab/Tusky, put a #YouTube like interface on it and maintain it!
I can only offer a free icon #design as help...
#thorium #p2play #TubeLab #mastodon #peertube #fedilab #youtube #design #newpipe #yashlang
@vlrny There is more than one, however in my experience, all of the dedicated #Peertube apps are very much unmaintained. *sad*. Back when they were maintained, I liked #TubeLab however it's maker, who also makes #Fedilab, said that they were incorporating it into Fedilab instead. Thankfully Fedliab is very much maintained, however the interface is far more geared to #Mastodon, rather than watching videos.
I really wish someone would keep working on a dedicated Peertube app!
#mastodon #fedilab #TubeLab #peertube
Just an update concerning the #Peertube integration.
Our goal is to offer that feature at the end of the week.
The code is currently merged with #Fedilab. We are working on side effects and we have to redo the whole theme in Material design.
We also have to fix some issues reported previously for #TubeLab.
Big work in background. #Peertube is coming progressively with #Fedilab.
We are merging #TubeLab inside the app.
Mor about TubeLab: https://f-droid.org/packages/app.fedilab.tubelab/
@fmmniell #NewPipe (https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.schabi.newpipe/) supports #PeerTube instances, but IMHO the support is not ideal - you can add custom instances, but you can only select one at the time from the settings, so you won't have an "all-in-one" timeline. But I guess that's fine if you only follow 1-2 instances.
#TubeLab (https://f-droid.org/en/packages/app.fedilab.tubelab/) is more specific for PeerTube, but IMHO it's still a bit immature and it lacks some features that I consider fundamental (like the ability to open a video in an external player or cast it).
#fediAsk because I need #fediHelp
¿ Is their a peertube app that works on an android phone that hasn't activated google account, and their for playstore at all, that can be found on #f-droid ?
#fediLab doesn't do it
#tubeLab neither
asking for a friend you know .. 😇
#TubeLab #fedilab #f #fedihelp #fediask
@atlza @Framasoft @blast_info @MonsieurBidouille Salut !
Pour répondre à la seconde question, il n'y a pas spécifiquement d'application qui sorte réellement du lot, à mon avis, pour le moment.
Sache cependant que #NewPipe a un support sommaire de PT et que le développement de #TubeLab va reprendre sous peu. Enfin, il existe #PeerTubeLive pour faire facilement des lives à la volée ! Très chouette application !
#newpipe #TubeLab #peertubelive
Since #Fedilab 3, #Peertube is no longer supported with the app.
If you want to use your Peertube account, you have to use our dedicated app #TubeLab.
We will work to fix current bugs and bring new features.
F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/packages/app.fedilab.tubelab/
Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.fedilab.tubelab
Gerade Mal bei #PeerTube mit der App #TubeLab eingespielt.
Gleich als erstes wir einem eine Instanz vorgeschlagen (Name erwähne ich absichtlich nicht) und schwupps, landet man bei diesen "Königreich Deutschland" Kaputten.
Das ist voll gruselig und total... da fehlen selbst mir die Worte. Wer glaubt denn auch so einen Schwachsinn?! Ich für mein Teil, kann nur den Kopf schütteln.
Die erste vorgeschlagene Instanz sollte unbedingt eine "Seriöse" sein.
Gerade Mal bei #PeerTube mit der App #TubeLab eingespielt.
Gleich als erstes wir einem eine Instanz vorgeschlagen (Name erwähne ich absichtlich nicht) und schwupps, landet man bei diesen "Königreich Deutschland" Kaputten.
Das ist voll gruselig und total... da fehlen selbst mir die Worte. Wer glaubt denn auch so einen Schwachsinn?! Ich für mein Teil, kann nur den Kopf schütteln.
Die erste vorgeschlagene Instanz sollte unbedingt eine "Seriöse" sein.
And you can use #TubeLab for #Peertube
#Fdroid: https://f-droid.org/packages/app.fedilab.tubelab/
Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.fedilab.tubelab
via @feditips
I keep having to delete and recreate my account in #Tubelab because it doesn't renew the auth token when it expires. Using the web browser works far better, so I'm just gonna delete it.
@lichingyun si è possibile ma ogni tanto ci sono problemi, meglio usare app native, hai provato l'app ufficiale di peertube?
#peertube #TubeLab #app #android
Peertube is now only supported by our dedicated app #TubeLab with more features. You can also connect Mastodon accounts but it will be only for interacting with videos.
Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.fedilab.tubelab
@modus@mastodon.online @AlbertoeFabio confermiamo meglio provale queste app_
:peertube: https://gitea.it/Peertube/TubeLab-App-Android
oppure thorium:
:peertube: https://gitea.it/Peertube/Thorium-android-app
#peertube #tubelab #thorium #app #android #googleplay #fdroid
#peertube #TubeLab #thorium #app #android #googleplay #fdroid