2023 Photo Challenge 136/365
After the last shot Eevee's brother got jealous and wanted to come get some photos. I didn't have to do much to settings bumped up the shutter speed and lowered the aperture to catch the action shots. There was again some spot healing work and slider work to make it pop a little. #puppy #dog #doglife #tugofwar #backyard #2023photochallenge
#puppy #dog #doglife #TugOfWar #backyard #2023photochallenge
When you're not sure what's going on, but you still want to help the team...
#dog #dogs #gooddog #team #teamwork #tugofwar #battle #funny #humor #Wednesday #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs
#dog #dogs #gooddog #team #Teamwork #TugOfWar #battle #funny #humor #wednesday #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs
“The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.”
— William Blake
Oh wait, #DogsOfMastedon I mean. #PlayTime #TugOfWar
#TugOfWar #playtime #dogsofmastedon
La presencia de George Martin en la producción de #TugOfWar, el álbum de #PaulMcCartney publicado hace exactamente 40 años tras la disolución de Wings generaba enormes expectativas. Sin embargo, ese verdadero sinsentido que fue el homicidio de John Lennon detuvo bruscamente las sesiones de grabación que serían reiniciadas dos meses más tarde. Sin dudas, producto de este suceso, sumado a cuestiones personales como los 9 días preso en Japón por tenencia de marihuana le dieron al trabajo un tono reflexivo que quizás no era el pensado.
#TugOfWar #paulmccartney #EfemeridesRock
I thought it might be made up but apparently no.
The text has lots of "healing" or "unity" as well...
"Awoooof! I hope you’ll enjoy these pics of me, Champ & Charlie First Grandpupper. @NaomiBiden took these during our #TugOfWar match. Champ was the champion - some names are predestined. Just like winning, in a landslide, by a record number of votes. #ByeDon #YoureFired #DOTUS"
I guess they don't know what they are saying....
#TugOfWar #ByeDon #yourefired #DOTUS