Rumor has it, #PromenadeMall is probably going to have it's last day on Monday, since the mall owes something like $40k in unpaid utility bills to the city, and have until end of day on Monday to pay it. Cohen killed another one. #DeadMall #Tulsa
#promenademall #DeadMall #Tulsa
WATCH LIVE | Oklahoma City Skyline 24/7
WATCH LIVE 24x7 | WATCH LIVE 24x7 | Tulsa, Oklahoma, Traffic Cam
Councilor: There ‘should have been’ facilities audit before Improve Our Tulsa
Route 66 Historical Village feels betrayed by former employee | KTUL
Bad crash on Yale by Promenade Mall, TFD has the street partly closed. #Tulsa #oktraffic #AvoidTheArea
#Tulsa #OKTraffic #AvoidTheArea
Tulsa promises water quality monitoring in Zink Lake after completion of nearby construction project | KOSU
Tulsa elementary school cancels classes due to 'suspicious circumstances' | KOSU
Oklahoma bank and the Justice Department propose settlement of redlining allegations around Tulsa
Tulsa aims to control 'slumlord' properties
“An artist has got to be careful never really to arrive at a place where you think you’re at somewhere. You always have to realize that you’re constantly in a state of becoming.”
TLDR version: “he not busy being born is busy dying “
#art #creativity #bobdylan #Tulsa #photography
It's 39°c with rain, popup thunderstorms in the area at #Tulsa. I bet the rest of the #TulsaTransit schedule is going directly in the trashcan at this point. #OKWX
Something that everyone should be paying attention to right now is #RyanWalters. Just look at on the front page. EVERY story on today's front page is directly related to the stochastic #terrorism that Walters is carrying out against #Tulsa.
This is what the #GOP wants for your state.
#ryanwalters #Terrorism #Tulsa #GOP
BOE decides on Tulsa Schools accreditation
#Oklahoma #Tulsa #oked #oklaed
Tulsa school board accepts Gist’s resignation, names Johnson interim superintendent | KOSU
#Oklahoma #Tulsa #oked #oklaed
Superintendent's rants against public schools lead to bomb threat
#Oklahoma #Tulsa #oked #oklaed