Judge Tosses Reparations Case From Last Known Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors
#TheDailyBeast #TulsaRaceMassacre #ReparationsCase #Survivors #OklahomaJudge #Dismissed #Politics #News
#thedailybeast #TulsaRaceMassacre #reparationscase #survivors #oklahomajudge #dismissed #politics #news
Aux #EtatsUnis, tout change et rien ne change 🇺🇸👉 Oklahoma judge dismisses #Tulsa race massacre reparations case filed by last known survivors 👇
https://us.cnn.com/2023/07/08/us/tulsa-race-massacre-reparations-case/index.html #TulsaRaceMassacre #BlackLivesMatter #Oklahoma #USA
#etatsunis #tulsa #TulsaRaceMassacre #blacklivesmatter #oklahoma #usa
In Tulsa, an ‘incredible American story’ of Black resilience is finally recognized
#TulsaRaceMassacre #Tulsa #TulsaRaceMassacre1921 #resilience #reconciliation #BlackWallStreet #Oklahoma #Greenwood #BlackMastodon #BlackLivesMatter
#BlackLivesMatter #BlackMastodon #greenwood #oklahoma #blackwallstreet #reconciliation #resilience #TulsaRaceMassacre1921 #tulsa #TulsaRaceMassacre
The Gap Band's lead singer, Charlie Wilson, said he and his brothers, Ronnie and Robert Wilson, grew up in Tulsa just a few blocks from the Greenwood District, the Black neighborhood that was destroyed in the #TulsaRaceMassacre on May 31 and June 1, 1921, but their song "You Dropped a Bomb on Me" isn't about that. It's simply a love song. ♫
I did not know there were still survivors. I cannot imagine what it is to see all that hatred come to the forefront again nowadays.
Tulsa race massacre survivors granted Ghanaian citizenship
#TulsaRaceMassacre is just a small example!
RT @dwnews
After a Black man was accused of assaulting a white woman — an allegation that was never proven — white rioters gunned down Black people and set fire to thousands of buildings.
Around 300 people were killed. An entire community was destroyed. This was the #TulsaRaceMassacre:
American schools, and (most) books and newspapers have neither revealed nor educated us on this massacre. I consider myself a well-informed person and learned first about it, as I've heard many have, from HBO's "Watchmen" series (which I highly recommend) and did my own research after that.
This wasn't a riot. This was an attack against Black people, every bit as vicious and destructive as any war. Lets call it what it was. We must face the truth of our history, redress the wrongs of the past, and work for a future that is equal for all.
The author also writes about reaching across groups and bringing them together. It is difficult work but it is part of the pathway to education, accountability, and healing. This work must be done. #TulsaRaceMassacre
Opinion | What I’ve Learned Teaching the Tulsa Race Massacre for Two Decades:
The project of healing history's wounds is difficult but necessary work.
Marker installed outside Vernon AME Church is first element of Black Wall Street memorial project (9/19/2020)
#oklahoma #oklahomahistory #okhistory #tulsa #tulsaOK #TulsaRaceMassacre
#Oklahoma #OklahomaHistory #okhistory #Tulsa #tulsaOK #TulsaRaceMassacre
RT @juliensuaudeau@twitter.com
On reparle du #TulsaRaceMassacre, que le Wikipedia français continue à identifier comme "émeute raciale".
Sur @Slatefr@twitter.com, je revenais sur les circonstances de cette tuerie, matrice de la série @watchmen@twitter.com, et sur la lumière que la fiction jette sur l'Histoire.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/juliensuaudeau/status/1274262037158416386