Fear not, keen cyclists of Britain, for in despair at the early morning ice I have got the turbot trainer out of the loft and set it up, which pretty much guarantees a change in the weather soon. The dust and cobwebs shall be my companions as I resentfully pedal our way to tolerably warm weather.
#cycling #indoor #ergo #TurboTrainer #IndoorTrainer #loathsome
#cycling #indoor #ergo #TurboTrainer #indoortrainer #loathsome
Back on the turbo! Would love to be outside, but at the moment it's easier to squeeze a turbo ride in the gaps where the baby is asleep.
Now if I could just schedule a baby sleep to coincide with a Wahoo RGT race...
#cycling #indoorcycling #TurboTrainer #WahooSystm #WahooRGT