Hm, that's quite obvious, that a language model called #ai , which is - as far as I know - basically software and data, cannot have a #sensation like "warm sun on the skin". It does not have feelings like pain , ease, fear or desires, it has no own intententions and no #understanding of sensations. Also no fear of death and no #will to exist (as Schopenhauer probably would have expressed it) But - and that is a surprising outcome to me - it seems to be a prove, that Alan #Turing was wrong , when he annouced his famous test for "true AI". And it seems to affirm John Searle and his famous thought experiment of the #ChineseRoom.
#chineseroom #Turing #will #understanding #sensation #ai
#cgatGPT peut-elle passer le test de #Turing ? Une question qu'on est beaucoup à se poser je pense ...
Ich mache ungern "Werbung", finde diese Murmel-Computer aber einfach genial. So lässt sich wirklich die Basis vieler Technologien begreifbar machen. Wäre froh gewesen, wenn wir so was in der Schule gehabt hätten. #logik #ki #turing #bildung #schule
#logik #ki #Turing #bildung #schule
Es gibt nun einen chemischen Lesekopf für eine #Turing-Maschine auf Molekülketten-Basis:
Echt abgefahren. #Forschung
I kinda wanna go to Nürnberg to see #Turing, an opera at the Staatstheater
#Human #attention has become a #commodity | Hacker News
"In an information-rich world, the wealth of #information means a dearth of something else: a scarcity of whatever it is that information consumes. What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it." Herb #@Simon, #AD1971
#ACM #Turing #AI
#ai #Turing #acm #AD1971 #information #commodity #attention #human