Very nice ending to the excellent #NeurIPS22 HILL Human-in-the-loop learning workshop: Best paper award to Differentiable User Models Congrats to Alex Hämäläinen and @mert_celikok @FCAI_fi @idsai_uom #TuringAIFellows
ML action is picking up speed @OfficialUoM. This is where to meet us in #NeurIPS2022 :
Reach out to discuss our open positions: Lecturer/Asst Prof, RSE, Translational Research Manager, PhD students
@idsai_uom #TuringAIFellows
Seems I will need to add a few bells and whistles to mastodon cross-tweets; in this case @FCAI_fi @turinginst @idsai_uom #TuringAIFellows