If you are stuck dealing with #CrunchyData or #Bitnami for modern #postgresql in #k8s, let me turn you on to cloudnative-pg.io
TL;DR: An operator and CRDs for managing #psql on #k8s that actually fulfills the promise of the operator pattern. It just, you know, *operates* the stupid thing for you. And its multi-arch.
Amusingly, I found out about it because Crunchydata insists that ARM is super hard and reserved for enterprise customers only. (They've since made contrite noises about walking that back, but no actual movement yet.)
I've been running it for about 15 minutes and so far I am blown away. And weirdly it does not appear to have tried to spy on me! That oversight aside, it comes with full #prometheus support, base alarms, and a VERY nice #grafana dashboard. Handles clustering, failover, scaling, upgrades, all the things.
#postgresql #cloudnative #kubernetes #arm64 #homelab #turingpi
#crunchydata #bitnami #PostgreSQL #k8s #psql #prometheus #grafana #cloudnative #kubernetes #arm64 #homelab #TuringPi
Here is today's reminder that #Discord is NOT a forum!
@turingpi I'm looking at you. (Nice to see you here though!)
Discord is directly hostile to #opensource users.
It is not #accessible
It is not archived.
It does not allow anonymous viewing.
It is not searchable, and neither is it indexed by external search engines.
Data is walled in and unexportable.
Bonus round: Chat is also NOT a forum!
Chat is a chronological firehose, good for temporally transient information, largely ungrouped. Forums are a topical tree, good for longer-lasting information grouped by subject.
If you would write it down in real life (including email) then use a forum.
If you would only say it out loud (in the hallway or on a call) then chat is perfectly fine.
And if you say it out loud while someone else writes it down, tell your assistant to use a forum.
#discord #opensource #accessible #TuringPi #turingpi2 #rk1 #raspberrypi #snarkhome #oss
It is Saturday morning poll time again!
My #pine64 soquartz boards are almost here! They are destined for the core of a new #k3s #TuringPi cluster, so I added some #BGA emmc. Unfortunately, I don't think it is preinstalled.
Should I pick up a cheap cheap trashy hot air station (did I mention cheap?) and try to install it? I'm a blobby solderer on a good day.
There are no replacements if I destroy them. I can probably feed them an endless supply of SD cards instead, but I don't want to..
@zrail Does it fit on 'normal' hardware? (#RaspberryPi or #JetsonNano or even #Parallella.) The docs seem very intentional about requiring a coral for real work. Event categorization/identification is pure gravy, but it would be awesome gravy.
I never grabbed a coral in the Before Times, and a quick search says that buying one now is as difficult as sourcing a Pi. (And just like everyone else, I'm also desperately seeking CM4s with memory at reasonable prices. #TuringPi ships soon.)
#raspberrypi #JetsonNano #parallella #TuringPi
FWIW: -$20 off coupon code ( REFBHRCD2S4QS ) if you want to buy a #TuringPi (none of the compute modules - #NVIDIA #JetSon or #RaspberryPi - are currently available from them though):
#TuringPi #nvidia #Jetson #raspberrypi
#TuringPi site keeps getting improved (in the reverse):
$ curl -i https://turingpi.com
curl: (35) error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
#TuringPi seems to have imported all of the kickstarter orders. My non-existing experience not improved much yet though.