My #TuringPi2 has arrived! Now all I need is four Raspberry Pi CM4’s in order to use it. I’ve been trying for a year to buy them; but luck. Now what?
Finally the #TuringPi2 arrived and the wait is over after 5 or 6 months or something. But since I don't have any compute modules, it will stay as a fancy paperweight for a while.
Someone commented on the #TuringPi2 delay:
"It happens: A vendor not properly handling a last-minute voltage change was the root cause of Apollo 13's explosion, after all."
What a relief!
Late #TuringPi2 is late.
“Delay due to RTC battery problem”
And here we go:
A blog post about the Turing Pi 2 cluster board, which can be used to hold up to four Raspberry Pi CM4 and some Nvidia Jetson modules.
I'm also describing how I arrived at wanting to run 8 small SBCs in my Homelab.
#homelab #blog #TuringPi2 #raspberrypi
And all of the hosts have now been added to the Nomad cluster.
Before -> After
#homelab #TuringPi2 #hashicorpnomad
And final deployment reached. Now for the actual fun part of adding those 8 CM4 to my Nomad cluster. 🥳
#TuringPi2 #homelab #raspberrypi
First Turing Pi 2 encased. 🙂
One problem: My PSU doesn't switch on until the first Pi is switched on. So the power button on the case doesn't actually work.
#homelab #TuringPi2 #raspberrypi
Finished setting up the CM4 modules. All are netbooting fine. Now onto deploying the boards. I think I might have gone a bit overboard with the cases. 😅
#homelab #TuringPi2 #raspberrypi
Hmpf. My testnode doesn't come up again after running "apt upgrade". The one annoying thing about netbooting is that the debuggability isn't too great.
All 8 CM4 on the two boards boot without problem. Next step is running a full system upgrade on all of them.
#homelab #TuringPi2 #raspberrypi
Here we go: First board with four CM4 8GB, all netbooted, up and running. 🎉
Next step: Doing the same with the second board to verify everything works there as well.
Back to the TP2 setup. 🙂 After having figured out basic access and static MACs yesterday, today I will:
- Check how to do SSH - hopefully I can create users
- Configure static DHCP
- Figure out whether the BMC has enough storage to run Ansible against it
- Connect the second board, test it and also configure the BMC
First fooooo of the night: Connecting my USB-to-UART converter to the Turing Pi's BMC, but not getting a TTY device. Debugging ensues.
Turns out: My custom, pared down kernel simply didn't have the necessary driver. 🤦
First node is up and successfully netbooted. Currently still annoying: The BMC gets a different MAC every time you power it on or off.
Only the BMC's web interface is accessible by default, but it allows e.g. switching on/off power for each individual node.
Next step, connecting to the serial console of the BMC and looking around. It's OpenBMC, so basically Linux.
#homelab #TuringPi2 #raspberrypi
And here they are. I've got two Turing Pi 2 Cluster boards. Each with four CM4 adapters, adapting the SODIMM on the board to the CM4 connector. And I've got 8 8GB CM4.
Plan for tonight:
- Eat
- Connect both boards to power, checking whether their BMC comes up properly
- Try it out with a single CM4 to make sure both boards work
I'm embarrassingly excited right now.
#homelab #TuringPi2 #raspberrypi
My two Turing Pi 2 arrived! 🎉 Alas, I have to go grocery shopping first, lest I starve. 😑 Damn you, adult life!
New update on #TuringPi2
#TuringPi2 #raspberrypi #cluster #Cloud
#TuringPi2 is nearing:
I suspect that'd actually happen early December, but still so close.
#RaspberryPi #Cloud #CloudNative #Cluster #Kubernetes #Hardware
#TuringPi2 #raspberrypi #Cloud #CloudNative #cluster #kubernetes #hardware