📺 Warum erwähnt eigentlich niemand in Bezug auf #SilvioBerlusconi die legendäre Fernsehshow #TuttiFrutti mit #HugoEgonBalder? 🍓 🍋 🍒 🍊
#silvioberlusconi #TuttiFrutti #hugoegonbalder
Bom dia Portugal. Qual é o gelado hoje para além do #TuttiFrutti? Isto é que é um país. Lança quase todas as semanas um novo sabor. #idoneidadepolitica
#TuttiFrutti #idoneidadepolitica
Ó Sergio Azevedo, Frankenstein era o cientista, o monstro acho que are só Criatura #TuttiFrutti
🔗 https://zap.aeiou.pt/frankenstein-acaime-ventura-tutti-frutti-537864
Hatte diese Sorte gekauft, weil sie außen keine Zuckerschicht hat und ich mal wieder "Tutti-Frutti" machen wollte.
Schichtenweise abwechselnd Löffelbisquit, Johannisbeerkompott (geht aber auch anderes) und Vanillepudding in eine Auflaufform oder Schüssel. Eine Weile im Kühlschrank durchziehen lassen und yummie. Ersetzt auch mal einen Kuchen, wenn's pressiert.
Hab sie ohne Tutti und Frutti (fast) vernichtet 🙈, weil sie ohne den ganzen Zucker so lecker waren 🤷♀️
#loeffelbisquit #TuttiFrutti
Onde está a vírgula?
Já não se respeita a Língua Portuguesa?
If you've never seen the drama "Tutti Frutti", it's being shown as a tribute to Robbie Coltrane, two episodes a night.
You can catch it on iPlayer.
Even now, the two words "lumber" and "jacket" send my mum into hysterics!! #TuttiFrutti
Tonight is 10pm Monday 26th Dec #BBC4 is repeating the amazing #JohnByrne series #TuttiFrutti starring the late great #RobbieColtrane and #EmnaThompson. Two episodes each night for three days. At 9pm tonight also a tribute to Robbie Coltrane narrated by #CeliaImrie. BTW saw Tutti Frutti no that long ago and although it's comedic there's some dark stuff in there too, be aware.
#celiaimrie #emnathompson #RobbieColtrane #TuttiFrutti #johnbyrne #bbc4
Dann kommt bestimmt #TuttiFrutti wieder 🥴
Going through some books etc and came across this Tutti Frutti press pack given out to journalists before it was aired.
Robbie will always be Big Jazza/Danny McGlone, and one of the best Bond "villains" (Valentin Zukovsky).