#Rotterdam: Six squats evicted in #Tweebosbuurt district - #squat #antireport- Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/18/rotterdam-six-squats-evicted-in-tweebosbuurt-district/
#antireport #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam, #Tweebosbuurt: Private security company blocking the entrance of 118, Tweebosstraat - #squat #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/04/rotterdam-tweebosbuurt-private-security-company-blocking-the-entrance-of-118-tweebosstraat/
#antireport #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam, #Tweebosbuurt: Illegal eviction of Tweebosstraat, 120 - #squat #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/01/rotterdam-tweebosbuurt-illegal-eviction-of-tweebosstraat-120/
#antireport #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam, #Netherlands: Eviction threat in #Tweebosbuurt - Call for Solidarity - #squat #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/02/28/rotterdam-netherlands-eviction-threat-in-tweebosbuurt-call-for-solidarity/
#antireport #squat #Tweebosbuurt #Netherlands #rotterdam
#Rotterdam,#Tweebosbuurt: Squatted house evicted within a day. Nocturnal dialogue with #Vestia - #Squat #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/02/27/rotterdamtweebosbuurt-squatted-house-evicted-within-a-day-nocturnal-dialogue-with-vestia/
#antireport #squat #vestia #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam: About Police actions in #Tweebosbuurt - #ftp #acab #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/02/18/rotterdam-about-police-actions-in-tweebosbuurt/
#antireport #ACAB #ftp #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam, #Tweebosbuurt: Call for donations for court case - #squat #NL #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/02/12/rotterdam-tweebosbuurt-call-for-donations-for-court-case/
#antireport #nl #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam, #Tweebosbuurt: Free Anton! - #FreeAnton #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/02/08/rotterdam-tweebosbuurt-free-anton/
#antireport #FreeAnton #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam, #Tweebosbuurt: Illegal eviction at De LaReystraat [Video] - #squat #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/02/07/rotterdam-tweebosbuurt-illegal-eviction-at-de-lareystraat-video/
#antireport #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam, #Tweebosbuurt: News about Anton - #squat #noborders #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/01/28/rotterdam-tweebosbuurt-news-about-anton/
#antireport #noborders #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam: Alarming situation in #Tweebosbuurt - #squat #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/01/27/rotterdam-alarming-situation-in-tweebosbuurt/
#antireport #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam: News about #Tweebosbuurt prisoners - #antireport #squat - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/01/25/rotterdam-news-about-tweebosbuurt-prisoners/
#squat #antireport #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
#Rotterdam: Evictions and arrests in #Tweebosbuurt - #squat #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/01/24/rotterdam-evictions-and-arrests-in-tweebosbuurt/
#antireport #squat #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
Call to join Tweebosbuurt!
Tweebosbuurt is a neighborhood in the Afrikaanderwijk district, which is mostly inhabited by descendants of migrants from North-Africa, and situated in the South of Rotterdam, nearby the city center. It's being evicted to knock it down and replace it with fewer shinier flats, but we are occupying it. There is plenty of space if you want to come and open a house. :)
as you're in netherland and open to squatting.
Did you heard about the neighbarhood #Tweebosbuurt in #Rotterdam?
Here's a call :
Setting up a hackerspace there, with ppl wanting to organize also access to full filling their needs (such as food and healthcare) in a collective and solidarity way, would be great.
some more info releated to
"#Rotterdam: Call to occupy #Tweebosbuurt!" also here:
" Their sufficiency and contempt could lead them to their loss, slow down or even stop the demolition. An entire district could be reclaimed by squatting it. In one of the largest metropolises in #Europe, this can only be helpful...
We’re currently looking for people to come and settle here. If we will manage to grow in numbers, then we could build a serious counter power here.
See you soon."
#squatting #europe #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam
squatting opportunity in #Rotterdam in "a neighborhood called #Tweebosbuurt with a bit less than 600 flats "
"We settled here without really realizing what an opportunity it was : it is extremely simple to settle here. At the moment, with only 3 squats the police is out of her depth. The company in charge of the destruction is not « on the square » but has no efficient way of organizing to illegaly evict us : they are not enough and honestly no one expected any form of resistance here.
We are seeking for people who would like to live here, and if we’re a bit more, then we think it is really easy to impose a power balance in such a place, not only to impede or even cease the destruction but also to potentially « conquer » by squatting a whole neighborhood in one of the largest european metropolis. I believe what’s going on here has a huge potential to be significant. "
#besetzen #squatting
#squatting #besetzen #Tweebosbuurt #rotterdam