Tiens, #TweetDelete pour #Twitter ne fait plus d'effacements automatiques et (...)
Tiens, #TweetDelete ne fait plus d'effacements automatiques et personne ne m'en a parlé ?
Bit of work (wait for archive zip, use #TweetDelete to mass delete your tweets and likes, scrub profile, change pic to a pixel, silly I know, bc I don't think my data really got deleted, surely they keep all).
But then it's just couple clicks.
I thought it would somehow hurt, at least a little, after 11 years. But no. Since coming here, twitter as a platform for my own voice quickly became meaningless. And increasingly, others sound shrill there as well.
Bit of work (wait for archive zip, use #TweetDelete to mass delete your tweets and likes, scrub profile, change pic to a pixel, silly I know, bc I don't think my data really got deleted, surely they keep all).
But then it's just couple clicks.
I thought it would somehow hurt, at least a little, after 11 years. But no. Since coming here, twitter as a platform for my own voice quickly became meaningless. And increasingly, others sound shrill there as well.
@rocrym lock it down and leave it taking up his disk space lol.
I ran #tweetdelete every so often as never thought keeping it all there was worth it as never looked back.
@wild1145 wow that's a huge number! What are your thoughts #Automated PostDeletion ? - got mine at 6 months, used to run the #tweetdelete on the bird site as could never see the point in keeping old ones. Thanks
📍December 16:
- I requested my archive from #birdsite and downloaded it
- I changed my Bio to: This is a read only account
- I encouraged my followers for the last time to find themselves a Plan B because #birdsite is going down the drain
- As I have >200K tweets over 14 years, I couldn’t delete them FOC. I purchased a #TweetDelete premium to finish the task once and for all
- Let the #purge begin 🔥🔥🔥
#twittermigration #twitterexodus
#twitterexodus #twittermigration #purge #TweetDelete #birdsite
Tweeteraser is currently deleting my 23,104 tweets. My life since 2006! I have the archive, though - which I suspect I'll never look at. I'll leave a final tweet, with Mastodon link. How long before Musk deletes that, I wonder? #TwitterEnd #TweetDelete
Tweeteraser is currently deleting my 23,104 tweets. My life since 2006! I have the archive, though - which I suspect I'll never look at. I'll leave a final tweet, with Mastodon link. How long before Musk deletes that, I wonder? #TwitterEnd #TweetDelete
TweetDelete https://tweetdelete.net -- I use this to clean up old likes and posts. Tonight I am clearing 'em all out. Idiot Elon has shown that he'll make up stories in order to ban whoever he doesn't like. #Tweetdelete #Birdsite
Biggest problems for me about #Mastodon? It doesn't have a #deactivate option (#deleting an account is permanent and you can't re-use the username on the server); nor is there Mastodon equivalent of #TweetDelete*.
Which means that I can't do on here what I would have done on Twitter on a night like this.
(* Yes, I know it's built-in, but it only allows for deleting posts at least a week old - you can't delete all posts - and it comes with a stern admonition about how resource-intensive it is.)
#TweetDelete #deleting #deactivate #mastodon
@rocrym Hi, just went through them to see who had commented in their profiles and added them. Also unfollowed people that had not posted in a long time. I think there is an app somethere .. my last #TweetDelete was a bit ruthless - oops.
Just run #TweetDelete on a few of my BirdAccounts .. not much left .. never looked felt the need to look back anyway,
@rocrym use #tweetdelete to clear out all the old tweets. I keep 3-6 months or tweets/ likes, cannot see why any more.
@maartenornstein Yeah, I did that, but I think it does not purge ALL your data, just your tweets. I want to purge all my data. not just the tweets.
I've tried #Semiphemeral and it's great. So is #TweetDelete When you're done, don't forget to revoke access before parking your #Twitter account.
#Twitter #TweetDelete #Semiphemeral
@koneko Connaissez-vous #TweetDelete ?
(des fois que cela puisse servir)
Perso je faisais déjà de l'écologie numérique, depuis longtemps (effacement des vieux tweets).
Si jamais vous dépassez le maximum, mettez le en auto et laissez tourner le temps que ça se fasse.
Sinon, il existe des scripts.
J'ai réinitialisé mes abonnés dans #Twitter et j'ai uniformisé mes 2 anciens comptes.
Puis je les ai repassés en #public.
#TweetDelete à +1 semaine.
Vous pouvez me trouver là :
https://twitter.com/mjestin0711 et là :
#écologienumérique #Twitter #public #TweetDelete