On Monday, Brandon Tessers, LCPC, and @adhdmarie continued the conversation on , with a focus on the concepts of and being , or . Catch up with the "This Is Not Therapy" Hour now on YouTube:

#intelligence #giftedness #TwiceExceptional #2e

Last updated 2 years ago

Emily Colin · @emilycolinauthor
232 followers · 225 posts · Server writing.exchange

@niamhgarvey This is several people combined. 🤣🤣 I know I forgot something, too!!! Oh right… 😃 We have ALL the fun at my house!


Last updated 2 years ago

Hal · @tlhInganHom
168 followers · 1174 posts · Server mspsocial.net

A thing I am learning as a person who got diagnosed at 36 years old is I am not a typical person. But I really, really hate the term as an adult. It is a name created for kids like me to get them what they need in school, by making them seem like something extra human. It translates to the professional adult world exactly 0%. Instead I am having to have awkward conversations about how even though I seem like uncanny levels of capable, I struggle with very basic things.

#adhd #TwiceExceptional

Last updated 3 years ago