#Fedifinder still works to find your remaining followings from #Twitter in the #fediverse: https://fedifinder.glitch.me/
It didn't at first when I tested it today, but after seeing that the old version (https://fedifinder-v1.glitch.me/) works, I gave it another try and it went through. Down to 538 from 617 accounts. Will have to look into what happened with the rest (deleted?).
#Debirdify sadly got suspended by Twitter last week.
#twitodon is still functional as well: https://twitodon.com/
#Twitodon #Debirdify #fediverse #twitter #fedifinder
Just a reminder that the API change is still delayed. The #TwitterMigration tools still work, for now! ๐
So, if there are still people on twitter that you want to help join #Mastodon, now is the last chance to help them find their network here! ๐
(It seems that #Twitter never planned out how to process payments for the paid service! ๐)
Here are the vague notices about delays: ๐ (1st on Monday, then yesterday).
#5cifigirl #mastodonflock #movetodon #Twitodon #fedifinder #Debirdify #twitter #mastodon #twittermigration
Reminder: today is the last day to scan #Twitter to find your friends at #Mastodon!
Here are the links again! ๐
#TwitterMigration #Debirdify #FediFinder #Twitodon #Movetodon #MastodonFlock
#5cifigirl #mastodonflock #movetodon #Twitodon #fedifinder #Debirdify #twittermigration #mastodon #twitter
Twitter ha spostato al 13 febbraio l'ultimatum per usare le sue API gratuitamente, quindi c'รจ ancora tempo per poter scovare su mastodon chi si seguiva su twitter!
Ecco tutti i servizi funzionanti (per ora):
๐ฆ @debirdify: qua una breve guida video: https://peertube.uno/w/czQ7Qm9ChVPTPtGrHt4F8z
๐ฆ Mastodon Flock https://mastodon-flock.vercel.app
๐ฆ Fedifinder: https://fedifinder.glitch.me
๐ฆ Twitodon: https://twitodon.com/
#Mastodon #TwitterMigration #Debirdify #FediFinder #MastodonFlock #twitodon
#mastodon #twittermigration #Debirdify #fedifinder #mastodonflock #Twitodon
Thought you might like to know, there is another new tool, called #MastodonFlock. It functions more like #Movetodon than the others do, making it a good replacement! ๐
(Plus it has a truly hilarious graphic interface! ๐ )
Also, here is a good detailed comparison of all the different tools, and how they work: ๐
#Mastodon #Twitter #TwitterMigration #Debirdify #FediFinder #Twitodon
#5cifigirl #Twitodon #fedifinder #Debirdify #twittermigration #twitter #mastodon #movetodon #mastodonflock
@cautionwip @andybaio @voxpelli
I tried #MastodonFlock ! It didn't find anyone I hadn't already found, but it worked! ๐
And it functions more like #Movetodon than the others do, so it's a good option to have out there. ๐
Also, here is a good detailed comparison of the different tools, and how they work: ๐
#Mastodon #Twitter #TwitterMigration #Debirdify #FediFinder #Twitodon
#5cifigirl #Twitodon #fedifinder #Debirdify #twittermigration #twitter #mastodon #movetodon #mastodonflock
@cautionwip @andybaio @voxpelli
There's another new alternative to #Movetodon, called #MastodonFlock ! (I haven't tried it yet, but I will later tonight. )
At first glance, it looks like it might combine the best of the other tools, logging into Mastodon to see who you already follow, AND providing a CSV at the end! So it's got some flexibility! ๐
Here it is:
Mastodon Flock https://mastodon-flock.vercel.app/
#Mastodon #Twitter #TwitterMigration #Debirdify #FediFinder #Twitodon
#5cifigirl #Twitodon #fedifinder #Debirdify #twittermigration #twitter #mastodon #mastodonflock #movetodon
I found this really good website to easily import all Twitter followers into Mastodon: https://twitodon.com/
Unfortunately, we have official word that #Twitter blocked #Movetodon on purpose! ๐
Fortunately, the others still work (for now!)
Debirdifier https://debirdify.pruvisto.org
Fedifinder https://fedifinder.glitch.me
Twitodon https://twitodon.com
#Mastodon #TwitterMigration #Debirdify #FediFinder #Twitodon
#5cifigirl #Twitodon #fedifinder #Debirdify #twittermigration #mastodon #movetodon #twitter
@garethjax grazie per la segnalazione, pare che al momento #movetodon sia stato dismesso, ecco alcune alternative per scoprire quali account mastodon stanno usando i tuoi contatti twitter:
:mastodon: https://fedifinder.glitch.me/
:mastodon: https://pruvisto.org/debirdify/
:mastodon: https://twitodon.com/
ricordiamo che รจ possibile avere una lista di account consigliati da seguire qui:
:mastodon: https://mastodon.uno/explore/suggestions
#Fedifinder #Debirdifly #Twitodon #twitter #mastodon #follower
#movetodon #fedifinder #debirdifly #Twitodon #twitter #mastodon #follower
@AnneTheWriter @SpaceLifeForm @Jdreben
#Movetodon is down right now, but there are 3 other tools!
#Debirdify and #Fedifinder both work well. They scan your Twitter follows, look for any who post their #Mastodon handle in their bio or pinned tweet, and give you a .csv file you can import to follow here. (Make sure you select "merge"!)
Another one is #Twitodon that works slightly differently, but I haven't used it.
I don't have the links on hand, but they should be easy to find!
#5cifigirl #Twitodon #mastodon #fedifinder #Debirdify #movetodon
โน๏ธ I'll have to give #Debirdify & #FediFinder another try, and maybe #Twitodon ?
#5cifigirl #twittermigration #movetodon #Twitodon #fedifinder #Debirdify
The safety people are always wannabe tyrants, even the TikTok nurses and mall cops.
After implementing #CounterFediBlock -- where I blocked the censors -- I can report much more actual content and less drama.
The #Twitodon people want pre-2022 #Twitter on the #Fediverse, which means censorship of non-Leftist and non-humanist opinions.
They're remaking the last disaster in a new place.
#counterfediblock #Twitodon #twitter #fediverse
Wild. With a couple hours of #CounterFediBlock activity today, I made my timeline usable again _and_ reduced the influencer count to negligible.
Seems like the #Twitodon takeover was more destructive than I thought, but they have handily tagged themselves by being pro-#censorship, which makes them easy to remove.
#counterfediblock #Twitodon #censorship
#Counterfediblock: instances I am blocking because they support #Fediblock promoted by #Twitodon people who want a hugbox echo chamber:
Using this resource:
#counterfediblock #fediblock #Twitodon
I muted what feels like a couple thousand people over the past few days, mostly #Twitodon influencers and uncreative #neonazis.
I really do not care what a person's political view is so long as it is based on sound reasoning and they bring something interesting to the table, not just repeating the $current_thing.
The #Fediverse is not #Twitter, although the #Twitodon #Fediblock zombies want to make it so.
#fediverse #twitter #Twitodon #fediblock