I'm hearing Twitter is having issues again and we can expect another migration wave.
Welcome, friends! Stick around and enjoy the place. We're like Threads without all the spying on you and the people who run these servers aren't largely responsible for the rising tides of global fascism and overt white supremacy in the US!
#Mastodon #threads #TwitterDown
Every time Twitter goes down, I move to another SNS. Mastodon also increased immigration.
#TwitterDown everyday
The Twitter platform is currently experiencing a glitch that prevents you from logging into your account. #TwitterDown
Fuck you, Elon Musk.
Currently Twitter is broken and only profiles and some tweets are displayed. #TwitterDown
Currently Twitter is broken and only profiles and some tweets are displayed. #TwitterDown
> “When you have a mission like Twitter you need to make big moves to keep strengthening the platform,” Yaccarino wrote. “This work is meaningful and ongoing.”
This is your semi-regular reminder that Twitter was working just fine before Elon Musk got involved. It had billions in revenue, employed 5x the people, paid its bills, and even made a modest profit. Sure, it was a bit directionless, but that never stopped Yahoo! 😉
#ElonMusk #TwitterDown #twittermigration
A “mission like Twitter” 🙄 Their delusions of grandeur are real, y’all. 🚽 Let it rot.
Tal vez lo de Meta de Threads sea un poco intrusivo en acceso a tus datos.
No vamos a sacar Threads en la UE porque nos vamos a chupar tantos datos que quebrantaríamos todas las leyes locales y total, ahí no hay dinero.
#Meta #Threads #TwitterDown
Czy martwi mnie potencjalny upadek Twittera i/lub potencjalny sukces Threads?
Nie, bo absolutnie nic mnie z nimi nie wiąże.
Tak, mam konto na TT, ale mogę go również nie mieć, tak mam konto na FB ... ale martwe, dokładnie tak samo martwe jak konto na Insta. Konto Meta służy mi tylko do używania Oculusa ...
#meta #threads #twitterdown
Linkowanie do TT umarło 🤣
U mnie działa jako taka tylko przez aplikację na Androidzie, na kompie przez przeglądarkę mogę jedynie podać dalej, cała reszta nie działa ;)
#TwitterDown #twittermigration
#twittermigration #TwitterDown
@mostlynaked It would be great to see some of the more "influential" naturists make the move to Mastodon, and to body.social. I don't have a Twitter account anymore (nor Facebook) so my ability to promote through those networks is limited. #Twitter #TwitterDown #naturist #naturism
#twitter #TwitterDown #naturist #naturism
Kto z #twitter ?
Dodawać, obserwować 😂
#TwitterDown #follow #FollowPower
#followpower #follow #TwitterDown #twitter
Latest update in the #twitterdown #twitter enclosure saga is that they broke syndication links: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues/919#issuecomment-1618499876
So it's safe to assume that timeline embedding probably doesn't work anymore.