Mike Torr · @miketorr
15 followers · 4 posts · Server mastodon.art

Quick - I've just moved from mastodon.scot to mastodon.art so all my previous posts have gone.

Creative-obsessive with polymathopathy (my term - I want to do and be everything all the time)

of and of (among other genres)

Recent and also England-quitter (moved to Aberdeenshire Nov 2021)

Happy to be here, and looking forward to meeting new people!

#TwitterQuitter #electronicmusic #composer #SciFi #writer #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Ideas Gone Wild · @ideasgonewild
8 followers · 67 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

@simid story? I searched for the word "Quitter" and the first result was an article by Forbes

> Life After Tweeting – Are You A Twitter Quitter?

Is it that you are referring to?

#TwitterQuitter #googlenews

Last updated 2 years ago

@dangillmor If that’s what the influencer crowd is pushing, that’s more than enough reason for me to stay away. I’m not in the mood to be influenced by strangers. 😂 I’m a for a reason.


Last updated 2 years ago

Obligatory 100 followers toot.
💜💚 I think I’ve followed everyone back! If not, please reply and I’ll remedy that asap ☺️

Less than 24 hours until I’m officially a ! Already made my farewell tweet and locked down like some have suggested.

It’ll be a very Merry Xmas & Happy New Year sans mainstream social media for this chick 🥰

#milestone #TwitterQuitter

Last updated 2 years ago

(Redraft on and hashtagged intro from a few days ago)

Love this server! Looking forward to socials as a .

I am self-dx , with , , and . Local providers are reluctant to officially diagnose me bc I’ve defaulted to masking after over 40 years of struggling to fit into neuro normative circles. So, to them, I’m and from the childhood SA. Maybe that’s true, but I find it easier to relate with than anyone else. I’m learning to , but it’s a process bc my tendency at this stage of my life is to roll my eyes and disengage when I’m misunderstood rather than throw a tantrum like I used to in my younger years. 💜💚

#MetaText #TwitterQuitter #Autistic #CPTSD #adhd #OCD #gad #mdd #autists #unmask

Last updated 2 years ago

Kindjal · @kindjal
29 followers · 39 posts · Server mastodon.top

Non mais il est fou Elon avec son ultimatum interne là ! Prions pour que tout le monde décide de se barrer c'est pas possible de plomber une culture d'entreprise à ce point la ! En tant qu'user, on peut pas redésactiver son compte 😱😱😱


Last updated 2 years ago