Glad to be on Mastodon with all of you!!! After creating a lot of free content for Twitter—like 300k words of blog posts—I’m done with that shit show. #AintGonnaWorkOnElonsFarmNoMore
#TwitterRefugeesUnite #writersofmastadon
#vetsvoteblue #vetsresist #historicalfiction #firstworldwar #1920s
#aintgonnaworkonelonsfarmnomore #TwitterRefugeesUnite #writersofmastadon #vetsvoteblue #vetsresist #historicalfiction #firstworldwar #1920s
Here as a #Twitter refugee. Looking forward to building a new community and synching up with old follows. #twittersdead #TwitterRefugeesUnite #TwitterFlight #twittermigrant #twitterexodus
#twitter #twittersdead #TwitterRefugeesUnite #TwitterFlight #twittermigrant #twitterexodus
Stole these, baby elephant experiencing the beach for the first time. Can you relate as a new member of the fediverse community?
#TwitterRefugeesUnite #mastodonmigration #SocialistSunday
So, where are the snacks? Someone said there would be snacks. #toronto #TwitterRefugeesUnite
#toronto #TwitterRefugeesUnite
Follow me and I'll follow back. #TwitterRefugeesUnite
Also, here are more hashtags and reposting some previously posted.
#psychology #metaphysics #astrology #occult #tarot #universe #physics #starwars #nerd #startrek #photography #summer #agnosticism #atheism #beach #cats #dogs #pets #digitalart #comics #disney #marvel #netflix #philosophy #nihilism #absurdism #food #libra #aquarius #aries #scorpio #books #reading #tattoo #painting #news #trending #gaming #anime #indie #music #concerts
#TwitterRefugeesUnite #psychology #metaphysics #astrology #occult #tarot #universe #physics #starwars #nerd #startrek #photography #Summer #Agnosticism #atheism #beach #cats #dogs #pets #digitalart #comics #disney #Marvel #netflix #philosophy #nihilism #absurdism #food #libra #aquarius #aries #scorpio #books #reading #tattoo #painting #news #trending #gaming #anime #indie #music #concerts
Follow me and I'll follow back. 🤍 #TwitterRefugeesUnite
Also, here are more hashtags and reposting some previously posted.
#psychology #metaphysics #astrology #occult #tarot #universe #physics #starwars #nerd #startrek #photography #summer #agnosticism #atheism #beach #cats #dogs #pets #digitalart #comics #disney #marvel #netflix #philosophy #nihilism #absurdism #food #libra #aquarius #aries #scorpio #books #astrology #tattoo #painting #news #trending #gaming #anime #indie #music #concerts
#TwitterRefugeesUnite #psychology #metaphysics #astrology #occult #tarot #universe #physics #starwars #nerd #startrek #photography #Summer #Agnosticism #atheism #beach #cats #dogs #pets #digitalart #comics #disney #Marvel #netflix #philosophy #nihilism #absurdism #food #libra #aquarius #aries #scorpio #books #tattoo #painting #news #trending #gaming #anime #indie #music #concerts
How many #TwitterRefugees are on here? #TwitterRefugeesUnite :noverify:
#twitterrefugees #TwitterRefugeesUnite
@metamacro you are welcome, happy #Mastodon arrive! Haha #TwitterRefugeesUnite
#mastodon #TwitterRefugeesUnite
New guy here, do things trend? If so, how’s #TwitterRefugee doing? #TwitterRefugeesUnite
#TwitterRefugeesUnite #twitterrefugee
#twittermigrant #TwitterRefugeesUnite I do have to admit I’ve retained my Twitter accounts @martinebran & @MartineTravels, plus some satire parody accounts, pending what happens next. No harm to be in this community and I might like it better!
#twittermigrant #TwitterRefugeesUnite