что ж, поскольку #TwitterisDown , решила попробовать влиться сюда
отзываются о Мастадоне довольно хорошо, да и тема с децентрализацией мне импонирует
что ж, поскольку #TwitterisDown , решила попробовать освоиться здесь
отзываются о Мастадоне довольно тепло, да и тема децентрализации мне импонирует
Are we sure that Musk doesn't have shares in Meta or TikTok?
#twitter Parece que #ElonMusk intentó privatizar el acceso a la API, sin darse cuenta de que eliminaría la capacidad de enviar enlaces a los que no pagan. Dado que Twitter solo permite enlaces de terceros filtrados A TRAVÉS de un enlace de salida de Twitter, no se abrirá nada. No se cargarán imágenes. Ni siquiera puedes acceder a la página de inicio.
El sitio está COMPLETAMENTE roto.
#twitter #elonmusk #twitterestaroto #TwitterisDown #twitterabajo #twitterapi #gorjeo
I feel like whenever #Twitter goes down, people of #Mastodon come running shouting " #TwitterDown " just like Aragon shouting "the beacons are lit" 😅 😅 😅 😅
#twitter #mastodon #twitterdown #lotr #TwitterisDown
#ElonMusk thought #Twitter would be easy, because he's "done Internet" before.
But there's a key difference between *building* a boat for sale, and *buying* a boat to sail. It's true, shipwrights make a lot of money. But operating a luxury yacht indefinitely is a whole other cost structure.
#elonmusk #twitter #TwitterisDown
A sudden malfunction on Twitter has caused major issues for users across the world. Be sure to stay up to date with the latest news! #TwitterMalfunction #TwitterIsDown #TwitterOutage https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-09&topic=Twitter不具合
#twitteroutage #TwitterisDown #twittermalfunction
@pollak Thanks Micah, and I'm in that 33%. Feeling a little special right now! Heh heh
I have a theory, based on Occam's Razor - the most simple/obvious explanation is the correct one.
Musk is willfully destroying Twitter. Why? To rid himself of a financial boondoggle. By forcing Twitter into bankruptcy, he can either restructure the debt, or kill the bird.
It is just the smartass move a sociopath like Musk enjoys - thumbing his nose. At everyone. The ultimate scam.
Ver uma rede social, outrora tão querida por mim, ruindo assim é muito que triste, pra falar a verdade. #TwitterIsDown #RIPTwitter #MuskIsACon
#muskisacon #riptwitter #TwitterisDown
@hollybrigstocke there are many ongoing reports of twitter login issues. You may be suffering from a side effect of that.
I don't really understand why, on a technical level, Twitter hasn't fallen apart yet. It was being predicted over a month ago that it would only last a few days before failing. I guess it's like "Kyiv in 3 days"? #TwitterIsDown
tweetdeck is working fine, I don't know why y'all use the website anyway. I guess you really like ads. #twitterisdown
Birdsite is down! Long live the Fediverse!
#twitter #birdsite #TwitterisDown
To everyone who wants to complain about #twitterdown when #TwitterisDown, you can always #JoinMastodon
#twitterdown #TwitterisDown #joinmastodon