On my way back home from the Norwegian tour of #TwoBodyOrchestra. Tired and happy :-)
Approaching the end of the #TwoBodyOrchestra tour. Had an amazing time performing in Hammerfest at the northernmost edge of the world; on Friday at the #piksel-festival, and today we start the setup for the final show in Kristiansand.
Off to Bergen and #piksel2021 @Pikselfest today! Performing #TwoBodyOrchestra tomorrow at 20:00 CET, followed by an eminent bunch of performers. The whole event will, afaik, be streamed live via Twitch. Very excited to participate in this festival again! Full program here: https://21.piksel.no/
Managed to crawl our way all the way from Estonia to Alta in the very, very north of Norway without incident or problems on any border... Today we continue the great journey onwards to Hammerfest, northernmost town of the world, to perform #TwoBodyOrchestra tomorrow. Excited as hell!
Going to Norway on Tuesday for a big tour lasting two weeks. Feeling a bit jittery about flight transfers, covid tests et al... Soothing myself by doing a test-run of the performance on a backup computer.
Survived one of the longest and most intense working days ever yesterday: Starting with teaching a 5 hour long #ResponsiveBody workshop, continuing with setup and run-through of #TwoBodyOrchestra, before finally performing the piece in the evening. Phew... Luckily all went well: we have performed it enough now that the rough edges of the tech are worn off, the #supercollider code is stable and (mostly) clean, and the timing is solid.
#ResponsiveBody #TwoBodyOrchestra #supercollider
Packing for tomorrow's travel to Kajaani, Finland, to give Responsive Body Responsive Technology Workshop and perform #TwoBodyOrchestra. Crossing fingers that every single little piece of tech made it into the suitcase!
Performing #TwoBodyOrchestra in Barker Theater in Turku tonight and tomorrow!
On my way to Turku, Finland, for our first tour abroad since August last year! Performing #TwoBodyOrchestra at Barker Theater. Yeah! Right now I am really enjoying travelling by boat. Very calm and peaceful.
Back into making all kinds of travel arrangements for our tour in the fall. Feels totally unreal, after all this time, to browse for hotel rooms, flight tickets, bus and boat schedules, as if it's all just going to happen! Crossing fingers... #TwoBodyOrchestra
Found out yesterday that our performance #TwoBodyOrchestra was nominated for the Estonian Theater Awards in the Dance Performance category. Nice π
Excerpts from #TwoBodyOrchestra
#TwoBodyOrchestra #contemporarydance #supercollider #MinibeeMovementSensors
#TwoBodyOrchestra ended up as one of the leanest pieces we ever made in terms of people on the road. The grand total consists of @klli, myself, the three-year old and whichever grandmother is available. Advantage: super flexibility of touring schedule. Disadvantage: holy fuck that suitcase with all the gear is getting heavy. And now I have to pretend to be the technical director, light dude as well as dancer and sound guy. Getting easier each time, though...
I ended up doing the light design for #TwoBodyOrchestra in #SuperCollider. As a result, Iβve dealt more in-depth with theater technicians than ever before. I canβt say it enough: it is an awesome breed. Thereβs just so much knowledge, innovation and curiosity lurking in the dark corners of the worldβs theaters.
#TwoBodyOrchestra #supercollider
#TwoBodyOrchestra premiere tonight. Looking forward to being on a proper stage again, it's feels like forever since the last time...
We had a visit from Estonian tv yesterday... https://kultuur.err.ee/media/video/1101249?contentId=1143216 #TwoBodyOrchestra
Glorious day. No technical hickups. Praying to the good lords/ladies of technology that bugs are weeded out. And feeling pretty good about the fact that I managed to piece together an entire light design with #supercollider when our light person got stuck in Sweden!
Only two days to go before #TwoBodyOrchestra premieres...
#supercollider #TwoBodyOrchestra
So, the cuelist for #TwoBodyOrchestra is now 727 lines of code long. Is that normal...?