Feb 1 @ 19:19 (WOW! I didn't plan that either!) That was the year that my college was "born" too...anyway, I'm done and done in! BUT I got a lot done, did all the dishes, washed my hair (because we have to conserve water I wash my hair with the rinse water from the dishes so those 2 things often happen together!), worked on the Yamaha Registration Manager because I NEED to be able to use it to convert the registrations - hundreds of them - from my former keyboards to use on the #Tyros5 but...well, that would be a post in itself. Let's just say I'll never get those 2 hours back... And I got to play my keyboard, for an hour or so...was busy all afternoon (Pete's been doing errands and laundry in town) and thought I'd clean the cages real quick before sitting down but I barely got started and my spine said "ENOUGH ALREADY!" and now I'm down for the count. BUT good news, got a call from the cardiologist and they had an appointment open up tomorrow at 3ish so I don't have to wait until the 16th now - woohoo!!! Definitely a God thing! Helpers are coming early, so I'll be able to get there on time, it's all good! It will be a busy day, I won't be online much but that makes up for the days I can't do much else but sit and be online hahaha! Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, sooner or later, have a great day❣️
~ Today's Daily Photo https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/526558207784621138 ~
Addition & Update
chia.owly.net/wednesday-wags-feb-1-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day/
Jan 29 @ 13:46 (UGH - just one minute earlier would have been good...) I didn't sleep well last night - just because I still had my Dell running to try and sync that same 19GB, it finally finished this afternoon - so I sense a nap will be in my future! But while I was sleeping we got a lot more SNOW!!! Pete said we have about 6" out there! It is beautiful!! And our turkey and deer friends spent a while here, though I was still on the bed, once I woke up I sat for a couple of hours with Maisie on my legs, and did some moderating, looked over my 2 favorite social networks, and a few other things on my tablet. Then I got up and ate my experimental "breakfast" (at 13;30!) and now, here I am. Today I will do the usual things but later. Right now I have a bunch of new voices on my #Tyros5 to play with!! AND continue on my learning curve before I forget everything I figured out yesterday. AND practice so I can get a recording done - finally! - for Monday Music! AND Sunday is pizza day so I'll be making my grain-free/lowcarb crust which takes some time, in addition to the usual daily stuff...wow, I just typing this I'm ready for my nap now! I hope you guys have a beautiful Sunday in the Lord and I will see you later❣️
Jan 28 @ 22:47 Well I already wrote this up once and it got erased doggone it! Starting over: I didn't get my pages updated today, I have plenty to add BUT instead I was playing my #Tyros5 and working on files for that. I had downloaded thousands - THOUSANDS - of voices from a site where I got a lifetime membership probably 12+ years ago. Today I organized them (though they were already in categories, which saved me a LOT of time and installed them and played with them for quite a while. Also figured out some of the things I've trying to learn (this part feels like it's neverending!)...and did a few things around here I haven't been able to manage the last few days...plus my usual daily work on my site, and moderating (though not as much as usual). It was a busy and great day! I hope you're having a great weekend so far too❣️
~ Today's Daily Photo(s) https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/525154561769065698
(These were also in today Photos of My Day post.) ~
Additions & Update
chia.owly.net/guest-post-from-david-uk-vacation-final-thoughts ~ chia.owly.net/caturday-jan-28-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/photos-of-my-day-jan-28-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day
Jan 28 @ 12:13 It has been a good morning so far, in fact I took a lot of pictures and plan to put them up today, just pictures of how my day started out. First I just love my Petey so much, and though he wasn't having a good morning I was still just happy to be with him even while I was hurting for him. (Nothing tragic...don't worry, he's fine!) Then I was getting such a kick out of my critters...well, you'll see the pictures later. Big thing is I was able to get down the stairs this morning AND I'm walking around here a little bit, thank you Lord! Much improved over yesterday! Found a meme that I'm still laughing about (wonder if you will also find it as funny when it shows up on Tuesday Titters?) and laughter is one of life's best things! Looking forward to quality time with my #Tyros5 and HOPING for some recording time, even! Have a delicious day planned for my meals AND excited about starting an experiment in a few days after more research...AND I have some things to add to my pages (those links in the header are my pages, and are handled differently than the posts by my WordPress theme) which is always fun...it's just a great day so far and I'm looking forward to the rest of it! Hope your Saturday is just as nice to you❣️
Jan 23 @ 07:22 Not much going on today, just the usual stuff, cardiac rehab and laundromat at some point today. High supposed to be 33°F and cloudy. Maisie is playing with her chain. I was hot all night so didn't sleep well (not sure if it was me, or if the thermostat didn't get adjusted to the nighttime temp) so there's probably a nap in my future too! Listening to Pete's nets as he chats with his hamsters. Speaking of music, which I was not, I have the sound bar & subwoofer (which used to be connected to my #Tyros5) now set up on my sewing machine in front of the TV...and while I can't connect the TV to it, I am enjoying using its bluetooth capabilities to listen to music or podcasts or videos or sermons or anything else from my laptop or my phone or my tablet. So that's very cool, everything sounds so much better than from the little device speakers! Oh the sound that now fills our cozy little home! Enjoy your day, friends❣️
Jan 22 @ 11:27 I CRASHED yesterday! Never finished my day which is a strange feeling! So used to my night-time routines I guess. Anyway...
(just updated https://chia.owly.net/health/ [JesusIsLord])
It is snowing!!! I will be sharing some photos, link will be shared tonight as usual. I usually only share one but will put up several snow pics for today.
Pete is out meeting Bill to do some stuff, so I have time for playing my AMAZING #Tyros5, time with birds, and whatever else I choose to do while watching the snow come down. It is a light snow, but lovely!
We have pizza on Sundays, I got a "real" (frozen) pizza this week and decided I will portion it out while it's still frozen, and only eat part, with something else (ground beef patties, most likely). More like a side dish. I'm just not up for making a low carb crust today, and will have more pizza in the freezer to use thus in the future. I don't want to eat a grain-based crust, this one has less grain because it incorporates cauliflower (though it boasts a "cauliflower crust" which is misleading!), and I will only be eating part of it, to minimize my intake. When I'm having a good day I will maybe make a bunch of grain-free/lowcarb crusts and freeze them...
Anyway time to get the show on the road, my keyboard is calling my name! See you later, taters❣️
Jan 20 @ 12:51 Getting a late start today! I've been trying to catch up with some of the things I didn't finish yesterday, and meme hunting for Friday Funnies. (Hey, there's an idea...how about Friday Fido...or Friday Frankfurters for hot dog recipes...ok, nevermind...) Will get that up as soon as I find a few more memes, then will go start my day. STOKED to pick up my long-awaited cables for my #Tyros5, and PRAYING that they, along with the proper speakers, will make my keyboard sound as clear and beautiful as it was made to do! Only one way to find out...get out of here and go get them and hook 'em up! So I will do that, I hope you all have a fantastic day, and I will see you later❣️
P.S. I know that I said I would share the outcome of yesterday's expected snow fall. Do me a favor: imagine in your mind a beautiful wooded area...with NO SNOW! 😂
Jan 19 @ 23:15 I guess I was pretty chatty today! I did quite a few things, I think, besides working on this site, moderating, checking email, etc... I also reorganized the pantry, did the dishes/cleaned up the kitchen, played my #Tyros5 as long as I could stand it, and other things that I don't remember. But we got a notice in the mail that my cables from Greece are at the post office so I can go pick them up and sign for them tomorrow...I am SO excited to finally be able to use the sound system that came with the keyboard! And very hopeful that it will resolve the static problem. Anyway, I'm getting sleepy so I'm going to wrap this up and will see you tomorrow❣️
~ Today's Daily Photo https://pixelfed.social/p/ChiaChatter/521709792567892416 ~
Addition and Updates:
chia.owly.net/thirteen-thursday-thoughts-jan-19-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day ~ chia.owly.net/keto
Jan 17 @ 21:43 - Another good productive day with our wonderful helpers! (Is there nothing they can't do????) I feel totally like the living area is complete now! Didn't get a chance to play my #Tyros5 today but I was plenty busy all day with this and that. I had the dishes all done and the kitchen looking great, then Pete and I each made our supper, and now I'm back to square one with a sinkful again! But that's how it goes, and with laundry too...well, with all of housework I guess. I'm just SO thankful that it was a good day for pain and mobility and thank God I was able to do it - feels great! Praying for another great day tomorrow, and the day after that! But for now, time to get my #parrots put to bed, Elliot is here next to me glaring at me, and any minute now Maxwell will start telling me, "Night-night!" (I just love my featherbutts!) So I'll get going and will see you guys in the morning, believe it or not I only have THREE wags for tomorrow's post (!) so I'll be off on a hunt for more tomorrow, it probably won't get posted very early in the day! Anyway, have a wonderful Wednesday, friends❣️
~ Today's Daily Photo - https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/521090693577897816 ~
Addition & Updates
chia.owly.net/tuesday-titters-jan-17-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day ~ chia.owly.net/all-things-nuwa
Jan 10 @ 22:09 Today was quite the productive day! Our helpers did SO MUCH, and were here all afternoon. Pete and J did a ton of work together, they worked HARD out there, the motorhome is ready to go to its new owner except that it won't start. He isn't too far away, and has no plans to drive it - just going to park it and stay in it - so today he talked about just having it towed to the property. Hope that happens soon, I can't wait to see how open the lot looks with it gone! Inside E got a lot done, then I did a few things afterward as well - I made a video and will put it up tomorrow - but she, of course, did the lion's share. Then after I ate I fell asleep in my recliner for a half hour or so...played my #Tyros5 BUT had problems with it, which I discuss in the video so I don't want to type it too... Anyway, I have been better than yesterday and hope it continues tomorrow! Speaking of which...I'll see you then❣️
~ Today's Daily Photo https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/518652417379312968 ~
Addition & Update
https://chia.owly.net/tuesday-titters-jan-10-2023-edition/ ~ https://chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day/
Jan 9 @ 10:22 So...what's on the schedule for today...well much of it, of course, depends upon what I'm able to do, but at the minimum it will be working on my Big Project, moderating, collecting memes, and other things I can do with my legs up and Maisie on them...at the most, a trip to one of the local Amish stores for a couple of things, the bank to make a deposit (fun fact: we pay cash for everything, and Pete is in charge of our cash. When we buy anything and he gets dollar bills in change, he gives them to me. It is amazing how quickly they accumulate!), playing my #Tyros5, etc. But first, a nap. Stayed up late, got up way too early! But at least I got Monday Memories posted already! Expecting deliveries of a couple of things today that I bought using a gift card I got for Christmas - thank you! - and Pete already had a delivery (health equipment from the VA), so the dogs will have plenty to bark at. Our mailbox is quite a distance from Myrtle, out the driveway and down the lane to the road, so the dogs don't have an opportunity to do the daily mail delivery announcement hahaha! Plan to continue my current eating plan for the month (as mentioned in yesterday's What I Eat update) and have leftovers so it will be an easy day for that Always the option of frying up a burger or something too...anyway, we'll see how accurate my predictions are for the day, Happy Monday!
Jan 7 @ 21:32 I got to play my #Tyros5 today. Still having issues with static. Not sure what the problem is but I'm using a sound bar with bass booster on it, because the unique cabling for the proprietary speakers didn't come with them so they are unusable. Those cables aren't available - or are back-ordered indefinitely - in the US, and Yamaha doesn't allow its representatives to ship them from Europe. However, I did find some that are supposed to be the same, another Yamaha model/part number, and ordered those today. I think they're coming from Greece or something, I don't know. MAYBE when I'm able to use the speakers that are supposed to work with this model the static won't be a problem. I hope! Pain levels extremely high today so spent much of the day packed in pillows on the bed, couldn't do any work around here. Pete's side table came and he put it together, but we're not satisfied with where we put it; we will wait for our helpers to come to do the rearranging. Again. It about killed us the first time :). Then, pictures! Anyway that's my day, see you tomorrow❣️
Today's Daily Photo https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/517534561468591498
Addition and Updates
chia.owly.net/caturday-jan-7-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day ~ chia.owly.net/as-seen-on/
Jan 7 @ 08:19 Up at 7:30ish, Pete brought my coffee to the bedroom for me. I love the layout of this 5th wheel, with the bathroom not being a separate room (except the water closet). We don't have running water at this time...we've lived without it for so long that hooking it up and dealing with winter temps isn't worth the effort. Maybe in the spring, we'll see, it's not a big deal either way. The first thing we did was remove the plumbed toilet when we moved in here, and put in our composting unit...anyway I'm rambling. Point is, having the bedroom and sink/shower as a single room is brilliant, practically speaking! There really isn't much about this new-to-us 5th wheel that we don't love, I don't think we'd trade it for any of the other homes we've had in the past - even the ones we felt this same way about at the time.... So for my Saturday I don't know what we'll be doing, I hope to play my #tyros5 as always, if possible. The usual things around the house (bird cages, cooking, dishes, picking up, bits of cleaning as able), maybe taking Maisie outside to play ball which she loves but I haven't done in a few days, working on my Big Project/website as always...or whatever else the Lord puts me to! I'll let you know tonight...Happy Saturday, friends❣️
One of the things on my to-do list is to post a personal #introduction and today is the day that I will cross that off!
You can call me Sherry. I love to laugh, and am very joyful and fun overall. Wife to one man, mom to one daughter, and grandma. Owner of 2 #parrots and 2 #dogs (1 of which is my #ServiceDog). We live in a 5th wheel in the midst of one of Michigan's Amish communities on a secluded lot in a beautiful area. BA in #music - currently love playing my #Tyros5 and my small #ukulele collection. Use my music to worship #Jesus, am a #Bible believing #Christian living out the Scriptures 24/7 by holding God's hand throughout my life, failing only when I let go. Always aware I am His vessel. “Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent” (Thomas Campbell) is how I deal with most things. A strong conservative politically, I choose to focus instead on the eternal rather than the temporal in my relationships, online and off, and on loving those that God puts in my path, meeting them where THEY are. Love to cook, and eat to minimize the effects of my disabilities as much as I can since 2004. For me that's been #lowcarb and/or #keto and/or #ketovore and/or #carnivore almost exclusively. Been using social media since my #Compuserve and local #BBS days in the 80s, and my interest remains strong to these #Fediverse times because meeting interesting people is such a delight and joy!
#fediverse #bbs #compuserve #carnivore #ketovore #keto #lowcarb #christian #bible #jesus #ukulele #Tyros5 #music #servicedog #dogs #parrots #introduction
Jan 3 @ 22:19 It was a rainy day, we didn't go anywhere or really do too much of anything, I worked on my projects with my files which will be ongoing forever I'm afraid, and did a lot of moderating and catching up on other online stuff. Maisie was thoroughly bored and slept a lot, because I wasn't doing anything that required her help - she hates days like that! Pain kept me from playing my #Tyros5 unfortunately, since I did have the time... Anyway, tomorrow is ❤️ rehab which I'm looking forward to, so there's that...otherwise not much else to write about. So I won't waste any more of your time :). Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends❣️
Today's Daily Photo https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/516044174563776028
Additions & Update
chia.owly.net/tuesday-titters-jan-3-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/poi-boiz-jan-3-2023 ~ chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day (including changes in my eating, and why)
Jan 3 @ 22:19 It was a rainy day, we didn't go anywhere or really do too much of anything, I worked on my projects with my files which will be ongoing forever I'm afraid, and did a lot of moderating and catching up on other online stuff. Maisie was thoroughly bored and slept a lot, because I wasn't doing anything that required her help - she hates days like that! Pain kept me from playing my #Tyros5 unfortunately, since I did have the time... Anyway, tomorrow is ❤️ rehab which I'm looking forward to, so there's that...otherwise not much else to write about. So I won't waste any more of your time :). Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends❣️
Today's Daily Photo https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/516044174563776028
Additions & Update
chia.owly.net/tuesday-titters-jan-3-2023-edition ~ chia.owly.net/poi-boiz-jan-3-2023 ~ chia.owly.net/meals-recipes-from-what-i-eat-in-a-day (including changes in my eating, and why)
Dec 24 @ 08:14 Merry Christmas! I hope wherever you are you are warm and cozy and filled with the excitement and spirit of Christmas!
Last night I crashed and never finished my evening site stuff, didn't get David's guest post posted or my final update or page updates...I just crashed! So I will be doing those things first thing now, got up early for the purpose. Plans today are to wrap gifts for tomorrow and play my #Tyros5 besides the usual stuff I do. We weren't able to get out to pick up the last-minute stuff we were going to get for Christmas With The Hamels but we got their gifts, we got the food, and I guess that's the most important thing! Well, as long as the roads are ok so we can get there! Other than that it will be a good relaxing day, and I hope the same for you. Now I'd better get busy so I can get caught up, enjoy the anticipation and excitement of Christmas Eve❣️
Dec 22 @ 20:40 If this were a newspaper article, the headline would read FIZZLED BLIZZARD. We got a dusting, barely covered the top of car. Kind of like powdered sugar dusting the top of a chocolate cake. Or less. Anyway, you didn't miss anything. Other than that: had a nice little recliner nap this afternoon, had some nice SMS chats with friends, watched some TV, and had a relaxing day. I guess not every day has to be productive, I did what I had to do and that's it. No plans for tomorrow, can catch up then. No #Tyros5 time either though...that's how it works when televisions and ham radio conversations and naps are involved in the same room as the keyboard (and I wouldn't change a thing!)...maybe tomorrow... Meanwhile I hope you are enjoying your week and staying safe and warm, see you tomorrow❣️
Additions & Updates
chia.owly.net/thursday-truths-dec-22-2022-edition ~
chia.owly.net/beauty-break-dec-22-2022-edition ~
chia.owly.net/advent-2022 ~
Dec 22 @ 11:27 Let's talk weather. This storm system moving through it something pretty rare, and I will be talking about it a lot over the next few days as it moves through our area. Rather than set up a page or posts, I'm going to be sharing what's going on in my part of #Michigan (Clare County), here in my updates. (If you are following my twice-daily updates on the #fediverse or #Gab, I won't be sharing them all there, so you might want to check back here - chia.owly.net/#welcome-to-my-chat - if you're interested.) So far, it's mild outside, partly sunny, no wind or precipitation. I took Maisie out in my robe a while ago in fact. (She wasn't wearing my robe - I was - hahaha!)
Other than weather, not much going on. Got my curtains and excited to get them up but J&E won't be here again until next week so it will be a few days yet. They're going to look GREAT though and I'm glad my friend Annette suggested yellow when I was trying to figure it out. I've got some dishes to do, cages to clean, my #Tyros5 to play, and a few other little things to do too, so I think I'll get started. Have a great 3-Days-Before-Christmas❣️
#Tyros5 #gab #fediverse #michigan
Dec 14 @ 08:54 I've been up for a while, working on my site; got Advent 2022 updated (chia.owly.net/advent-2022) and the Wed. Wags post done and dusted (chia.owly.net/wednesday-wags-dec-14-2022-edition), plus some email replied to. Supposed to get some nasty weather starting this afternoon, but not nearly as bad as much of the country is getting right now. Plus the weather-guessers are often wrong, predicting much more severe weather than actually occurs. It seems that most of that stuff usually passes to the north or south of us for some reason. Anyway, looking forward to a good day! Cardiac rehab, hopefully the reStore if weather permits, and a stop at SaveALot to take a look at their meat sale. Plus my oil of oregano somehow got lost in the move so I need more of that, my teeth are starting to hurt (which the daily dose of oil of oregano prevents) so need to pick up some more. And, as I mentioned last night, I am determined to play my #Tyros5 and get to work on my Music Monday recordings too. So that will be my day - or, at least, that's the plan! I will let you know in tonight's update if that's what actually transpired 😊. Have a great one, friends❣️