Suite à la modification du règlement @Eurojust, l'Agence a la possibilité légale de préserver, conserver, analyser les éléments de preuve relatifs aux principaux crimes internationaux, dans une base de données dédiée.!YQ8Hvv
RT @Eurojust: 📢 More important developments at the United for Justice Conference #U4J this weekend in Lviv, #Ukraine:
🔹 Amendment of the #JointInvestigationTeam agreement to reflect the future role of the International Cen…
#U4J #Ukraine #JointInvestigationTeam
We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to end impunity for atrocities committed in #Ukraine!
We welcome the establishment of an International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression (ICPA)
#StandWithUkraine #U4J
#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #U4J
La Russie doit être condamnée pour ses crimes en Ukraine #justice
Je salue la création du Centre international pour les poursuites aux crimes d'agression, à La Haye. Objectif: coordonner les enquêtes de crime de guerre aux niveaux 🇪🇺 et international, avec la @IntlCrimCourt
RT @dreynders: We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to end impunity for the international crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine #U4J
My goals have been: coordination of the collect of…
RT @AndriyKostinUa: A historic event at #U4J: #JIT members sign documents to establish the International Center for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression in Ukraine (#ICPA). Creating the ICPA is a significant practical step towards justice. 1/2
📢 More important developments at the United for Justice Conference #U4J this weekend in Lviv, #Ukraine:
🔹 Amendment of the #JointInvestigationTeam agreement to reflect the future role of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression (#ICPA)
#U4J #Ukraine #JointInvestigationTeam #ICPA
RT @rgoodlaw
Missing words from Attorney General Garland's speech in #Ukraine:
"International Criminal Court"
Especially given the #U4J speech was on U.S. support for prosecution of Russian #WarCrimes.
So why the omission?
The reason is pretty scandalous.
We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to end impunity for the international crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine #U4J
My goals have been: coordination of the collect of evidence, prosecution of the crime of agression and reparation.
My speech: