Europäisches Forschungsteam hat das berüchtigte Flattern in Flugzeugstrukturen überwunden! 🌍✈️
Mithilfe innovativer Regelungssysteme und speziell entwickeltem #UAV wurden erfolgreiche Flugtests durchgeführt. Dieser Meilenstein ist ein Resultat des FliPASED EU-Projektes und dem vereinten Wissen von DLR, dem Institut für Computerwissenschaft und Kontrolle (SZTAKI) aus Ungarn, dem Französischen Labor für Luft- und Raumfahrt (ONERA) und der TU München.
Pretty extraordinary #UAV footage of a seal chasing a #penguin underwater filmed at #ukraine #Antarctic station #Vernadsky shared by a Ukraininan #scientist colleague in @PolarRES @OceanIceEU
#scientist #Vernadsky #Antarctic #Ukraine #penguin #UAV
Is there anyone on here who has experimented with using an #UAV to replace or at least supplement #radiosonde observations?
#drones #meteomastodon #wx #radiosonde #UAV
One #US contractor was killed, and five #American troops and a contractor were wounded after a kamikaze drone struck a US-led coalition base near the town of #Hasakah in northeastern #Syria around midday on Thursday, the #DoD said earlier, adding that the #UAV was found to have been of #Iranian origin.
#Oooops #us #american #hasakah #syria #dod #UAV #Iranian
#Washington accuses #Moscow of downing drone
The #UAV was flying towards the Russian border without a transponder active, in clear violation of the restricted area established for the conduct of the special military operation, the ministry said. Two interceptors were dispatched to investigate, and.....
Shit happens 🤣
RT @theoverview_
New Ukrainian strike on Russian strategic military Engels Air Force Base
#UAV #Drone #Drones #Engels
#Russia #ColonialWar #UkrainianWarofIndependence
#ukrainianwarofindependence #colonialwar #Russia #Engels #drones #drone #UAV
The report focuses on the #Orlan-10 - the #UAV that sits at the heart of Russia’s warfighting capabilities. Fieldwork conducted by RUSI in Ukraine over the course of 2022 confirmed that the sub-systems of the Orlan-10 are heavily reliant on foreign-made microelectronics.
RT @vitotrianni
I need to hire a research fellow to start as soon as possible within the @agr_o_rama project. We want to deploy information-based monitoring strategies on real #UAV #swarm to support #PrecisionAgriculture.
The position is limited to EU residents.
DM for info, and please RT!!
#precisionagriculture #swarm #UAV
I need to hire a research fellow to start as soon as possible within the agr-o-rama project ( We want to deploy information-based monitoring strategies on real #UAV #swarm to support #PrecisionAgriculture.
The position is limited to EU residents.
DM for info, and please boost this!
#precisionagriculture #swarm #UAV
Dall’inizio delle operazioni russe in #Ucraina, il 24 febbraio scorso, #Usa hanno fornito aiuti militari a Kiev per 18,6 miliardi di dollari. Lo stesso 10 novembre il Wall Street Journal ha scritto, citando funzionari statunitensi, che il #Pentagono avrebbe rifiutato di fornire all’Ucraina gli #UAV armati a lunga autonomia #GreyEagle nel timore che potessero determinare un’#escalation della #guerra.
Analisi Difesa
#guerra #escalation #GreyEagle #UAV #Pentagono #usa #ucraina #armi
Εάν τουρκικό εργοστάσιο παραγωγής #UAV εμφανιστεί στην Ουκρανία, η Ρωσία θα το θεωρήσει στρατιωτικό στόχο και θα το καταστρέψει, λέει το Κρεμλίνο
La Guardia Costiera greca sperona una barca carica di migranti spingendola nelle acque territoriali della #Turchia, nel Mar Egeo, a ovest di #Karaburun,#İzmir. L'azione criminale è stata rivelata oggi, 7 agosto, dagli #UAV delle Forze Navali turche
#UAV #izmir #Karaburun #turchia
H2 UAVs from Insitu could change drone propulsion
Insitu has announced the latest details of its moves to advance the te...
Article Source:
#featured, #uav, #fuel, #news, #cell, #business, #hydrogen
#hydrogen #business #cell #news #fuel #UAV #featured