🇺🇦 Те, як беззавітно українці піклуються про тварин у ці темні часи війни, ще раз доводить їхню мужність та відданість гуманістичним цінностям, які ЄС поділяє та підтримує.
#StandWithUkraine #Uanimals #BraveUkraine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1524422598620286980
#StandWithUkraine #UAnimals #BRAVEUKRAINE
🇪🇺The dedicated care of Ukrainians for animals in these dark times of war once again proves their courage and devotion to humanistic values, which the EU unequivocally shares and welcomes.
#StandWithUkraine #Uanimals
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1524422457049985024
Anche gli Animali soffrono la guerra #11
Aggiornamento sulla condizione degli Animali in Ucraina durante la guerra. La morte di un giovanissimo Umano volontario e le polemiche sull'Ecopark Faldman di Kharkiv
#guerraucraina #animaliucraina #animaliguerra #ecoparkfeldman #zoo #zooucraina #UAnimals #liberazioneanimale
#liberazioneanimale #UAnimals #zooucraina #zoo #ecoparkfeldman #animaliguerra #animaliucraina #guerraucraina
RT @EUDelegationUA: 🇪🇺We are impressed and and inspired by how Ukrainians take care of animals during the war, often risking their own life and health.
Together with #UAnimals we are featuring the incredible efforts Ukrainians make to save the most defenseless.
@brave_ukraine #standwithukraine