@fmhilton @rbreich Musk wants a #UniversalBasicIncome and a plentiful for all economy. #UBI
#introduction Hi, I'm TMAN, #MilwaukeeDSA . Supporter of #ABOLITION #M4A #PTTP #UBI. Member of Traffic Marshalls Autonomous Network. Voting is not enough. Mass Movements are the best way to change the culture which leads to change in policy.
#UBI #PTTP #m4a #abolition #MilwaukeeDSA #introduction
#introduction Hi, I'm Tman, #MilwaukeeDSA . Supporter of #ABOLITION #M4A #PTTP #UBI
#UBI #PTTP #m4a #abolition #MilwaukeeDSA #introduction
RT @JonMunitz
37.9 Million Americans are living in poverty.
Universal Basic Income could help solve our nation’s poverty problems.
#UBI also doesn’t make people lazier, in fact the evidence shows that people with basic income become more productive.
#Artists need to accept that #AI is going to kill their profession. AI is faster, cheaper and easier to do, and it's getting better by the day.
#Indie musicians also lost their chance when #Spotify bulldozed the market, then Covid came, then AI music. There's no dough in #music anymore.
The only jobs that will remain for the 99% when AI sticks for good in 10 years or so, are manual labor jobs. General robotics to adequately replace human labor won't arrive for another 40-70 years.
#artists #ai #indie #spotify #music #aiart #UBI
THIS Biden Program Proves UBI Really Works
#SamSeder #EmmaVigeland #MajorityReport #politics #news #progressive #leftist #democrats #liberal #childtaxcredit #ubi #childpoverty #poverty
#samseder #emmavigeland #majorityreport #politics #news #progressive #leftist #Democrats #liberal #childtaxcredit #UBI #childpoverty #poverty
I feel so cynical about the recent developments in computer generated images and text. Every breakthrough in automation tends to be exploited by those who already hold disproportionate wealth and power. Improvement in automation has not led to a reduction of work for people, it has simply changed the type of work demanded. Unless increased automation is combined with social change to allow us all to benefit from the labour saving then it will further increase economic disparity.
@openscience Absolutely essential for long term social stability #UBI
#Music #Paganisim #Spirituality
#Politics #Religion 
#Peace #Environment
#DrugReform #socialism #ScottishIndependence
#mentalhealth #childprotection #UBI #TradesUnions
#introvert #music #Paganisim #spirituality #politics #religion #peace #environment #DrugReform #socialism #ScottishIndependence #mentalhealth #childprotection #UBI #TradesUnions
"Mein Grundeinkommen" is a Berlin based non-profit org that crowdfunds and raffles off annual unconditional basic incomes (#UBI) of €1,000/month https://www.mein-grundeinkommen.de/infos/in-english
Sou da safra de 1977 (a melhor: ano de lançamento de #StarWars, apesar de eu ser #trekker).
Sou servidor pĂşblico aqui no #Rio mas moro em #Niteroi. Casado. 3 filhos (2 #gemeos ).
Sirvo como pastor na Igreja #Metodista. Tento ser #cristĂŁo.
(nĂŁo fundamentalista)
Terminando #mestrado em #Administração na #UFF
Ideologicamente à #esquerda (≅ 30% revolucionário; ≅70% gradualista).
É biscoito, não bolacha!
#introdução #starwars #trekker #Rio #Niteroi #gemeos #Metodista #cristão #mestrado #Administração #UFF #esquerda #EconomiaSolidaria #DemocraciaContraCapitalismo #DireitosHumanos #UBI #Series