@kentparkstreet1 Fucking barbarity, indeed - but all the cunty CEOs and their elected lackeys will argue it's the unseen hand of the market, or some other patent bullshit.
Pretty sure any economist worth their salt could put forward a solid case for universal basic income. Once upon a time, #economists factored *humans* and *society* into their appraisals.
#economists #universalbasicincome #ubi #UBINow
RT @CerebroJD@twitter.com
In Canada, the "cost of dying" is now publicly funded, but the "cost of living" is not.
Think about that. Think about the outcomes of this societal choice.
#MAiD #UBInow @ubi_works@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CerebroJD/status/1597314335227121665
Canada needs to implement basic income immediately, before the stories start rolling in of people in poverty opting for death over more life in poverty.
RT @CerebroJD
In Canada, the "cost of dying" is now publicly funded, but the "cost of living" is not.
Think about that. Think about the outcomes of this societal choice.
#MAiD #UBInow @ubi_works
NGOs are political and work to preserve and uphold those structures and processes they used to project influence.
Also #NotForProfits are for profit. A person profits by being employed by them.
They exist perfectly in CorporateState Totalitarianism, and are very active in crushing genuine innovation.
KARL: How bad is it going to get?
CONSTANCE: *shrugs*
KARL: Maybe I need to rephrase. How long are we going to go without a Universal Basic Income?
#FourthTurning #ubiNow #collapse #decay #entropy #townPlanning
#FourthTurning #UBINow #collapse #decay #entropy #townPlanning
> So many lives have been wrecked by the #pandemic and the #bailouts (at least where I am, in #Sweden) … and geared towards preserving the existing social hierarchy, with more money offered to those who were already making money.
May we say, "#Australia, same", with class-based payouts they called "#JobKeeper".
Thanks for sharing, humanity does need a #UBI now.
#pandemic #bailouts #sweden #australia #jobkeeper #ubi #UBINow
And for the #UnSmart there is the constant #hacking by the #Charity and #NonProfitIndustrialComplex.
#UnSmart #hacking #charity #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #cantilloneffect #banksters #virtueSignalling #UBINow
Peasant's time is not worth **anything** to #corporateState.
#corporateState #deathcult #UBINow
If fewer people had downright nasty jobs and downright evil softwares operating on their devices, we would have a lot more #trust.
UBI Now, please!
#trust #bullshitjobs #evilJobs #deathcult #UBINow
Sorry to hear, but understandable. Just as we were thinking it might be a nice instance for prospective fedifolk.
Australia is on the down. Websites designed by mega corporations that get govt money overload PCs and barely work, while services that do work have to go offline because not enough support.
Tell us again…
…the #anecdote about your #philanthropy boosting #mentalHealth.
#bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertMurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #kevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #antiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notOurDemocracy #freeJulianAssange #julianAssange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #useBitcoin #jailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow
#anecdote #philanthropy #mentalhealth #DontBlameItOnTheBailOuts #DontBlameItOnTheMedia #DontBlameItOnThePonzi #BlameItOnTheIndividual #bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertmurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #KevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #AntiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notourdemocracy #FreeJulianAssange #julianassange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #usebitcoin #JailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow
Someone once said, "The fact that there exists a #business.gov.au makes me want to sh!t in the mouth of #policymakers, #bureaucrats and their #cronies in #government".
That person is perhaps the most #intelligent person we know.
See #JobKeeper (#scamWatch)
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #auspol #Australia #COVID19 #bailout #theft #pickingWinners #unfreeAndUnfairMarket #cronyism #favoritism #corporatism #kleptocrats #bigProperty #realEstate #shellCompanies #scomo #scamo #scam #UBINow
#business #policymakers #bureaucrats #cronies #government #intelligent #jobkeeper #Scamwatch #moneyPrinterGoBrr #auspol #australia #COVID19 #bailout #theft #pickingWinners #unfreeAndUnfairMarket #cronyism #favoritism #corporatism #kleptocrats #bigProperty #realestate #shellcompanies #scomo #scamo #scam #UBINow