Só pra avisar #temporace #uci23 #uci #glasgow23
#temporace #uci23 #UCI #glasgow23
My membership of British Cycling has come around for renewal and I have no hesitation in telling them to get lost. The fact that they took on a major sponsorship deal with Shell (SHELL!) in October and have refused to reverse that decision is appalling. This is classic greenwashing - Shell are continuing to extract all the oil they can. Cycling should not offer shelter to the fossil fuel companies putting profit ahead of the planet.
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Lecture Notes
The WIMP paradigm: Theme and variations
Jonathan L. Feng
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 71 (2023)
Part of the Dark Matter Collection of the Les Houches School of Physics
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UCI #NSF #SimonsFoundation
Jetzt bezahl ich schon extra um die Downhill Meisterschaft zu sehen und dann kann ich bei discovery noch nichtmal die Sprache auswählen. Der Typ kommentiert das so interessiert wie ich das lokale Curling Renterturnier. #downhill #uci
Ich bin zwar kein Fan von Energy Drinks, aber bei Red Bull waren die Übertragungen in jeder Hinsicht besser und ausserdem kostenfrei.
SO SO HAPPY for #UCI postdoc Marina Bianchin for being one of the 3 recipients of the 2023 IAU Gruber Foundation Fellowship Award!!! It's been a pleasure having you in our group and I look forward to more fun science together!
Speaking of open table/troupe style games, I did run one back at the UCI Rpg Club. I called it Planescape Mercenaries, so not only did the cast rotate, but the worlds did too.
The very first job I gave the initial recruits was the hazing task of trimming the Ivy around the mercenary compound. Which had a tendency to fight back with its razor vines.
#TTRPG #DnD #Planescape #Mercenary #UCI #RazorIvy #OpenTable #RpgTroupe
#ttrpg #DnD #planescape #mercenary #UCI #razorivy #opentable #rpgtroupe
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Machine learning and LHC event generation
Anja Butter et al.
SciPost Phys. 14, 079 (2023)
#SorbonneUniversity #HITS #GAU #UNITO #RUN #NIKHEF #NYU #SapienzaUniversityofRome #WeizmannInstitute #UNIMI #UT #OSU #KIT #TUM #Fermilab #UCI #UC #UCL #DurhamUniversity #UniversityParisSaclay #SLAC #UH #DESY #CNRS #RU #TUDortmund #UCL #UNIBO #HU #LBNL #UCBL #VU #MIT #HU #TUD
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #SorbonneUniversity #HITS #GAU #UNITO #run #Nikhef #NYU #SapienzaUniversityofRome #WeizmannInstitute #UNIMI #ut #osu #kit #TUM #Fermilab #UCI #UC #ucl #DurhamUniversity #UniversityParisSaclay #SLAC #UH #desy #cnrs #ru #TUDortmund #UNIBO #HU #LBNL #UCBL #VU #MIT #TUD #ANR #bmbf #dfg #FNRS #IN2P3 #NSF
Rider disqualified from Zwift UCI World Championships hit with MyWhoosh DQ
After an investigation launched by Zwift, Hoole was subsequently found guilty of data manipulation in an eSports World Championships Europe and African continental qualifier. He was then banned for six months and let go by his team Toyota CRYO RDT.
RT @uciradiology
Calling all future Residents! The UCI School of Medicine will be holding a Diversity in Graduate Medical Education Residency Open House on May 13th.
Register Here: http://bit.ly/3KY56ef
#radiology #UCIschoolofmedicine #diversity #UCI #Match2024 #futureradres #uciradres
#radiology #ucischoolofmedicine #diversity #UCI #match2024 #FutureRadRes #uciradres
Can't wait to see the new #JWST episode of #PBS #PBSNOVA premiering tonight where our #jwstgoals research (among others) will be highlighted -
That's me gesturing at our results off-screen -- watch for my #UCI group's cameo in the show as well! 😊
#jwst #pbs #pbsnova #jwstgoals #UCI
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #physics
Growth of the Wang-Casati-Prosen counter in an integrable billiard
Zaijong Hwang, Christoph A. Marx, Joseph J. Seaward, Svetlana Jitomirskaya, Maxim Olshanii
SciPost Phys. 14, 017 (2023)
@NSF #UMassBoston #OberlinCollege #SorbonneParisNorthUniversity #UCI #RegionÎle-de-France #SimonsFoundation
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UMassBoston #OberlinCollege #SorbonneParisNorthUniversity #UCI #RegionÎle #SimonsFoundation
RT @MontesinosSanti
@raquelopeznieto @gruMAVe 😏 ¿Me lo dices o me lo cuentas?
Aquí te presento a otro extraordinario
⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ @faly_123 ⏪ ⏪ ⏪ ⏪
📍 #uci @HUReinaSofia
Jefe Servicio @CarmenDLFteUCI
presidenta @samiuc_uci
📣 F O R M A C I Ó N 🔝 https://twitter.com/faly_123/status/1612211139571601413
Before travels get in the way, I want to advertise #UCI grad student Raymond Remigio's #AAS241 poster #360.15 on Wednesday evening 5:30-6:30pm on the ionized gas kinematics of #Seyferts with RM #BlackHole masses - cool video of some irregular kinematics to boot! Say hello to this AAS 1st timer! #astrodon
#UCI #aas241 #seyferts #BlackHole #Astrodon
Hmm #Enduro now an #UCI #MTB event 🤔 Not sure about that #EWS was good because UCI wasn’t involved, also now a single day, much preferred the multi day format. 😞
Still no news on where it will be broadcast, or how much it will cost though 🤑🤑🤑
#enduro #UCI #mtb #EWS #TotalMTB #mountainbike #cycling
Drafting by riding in *front* of the team car!
the larger area of a team car stacked with bikes pushes more air in front of it, reducing the speed of the airflow around the rider. This, in turn, reduces the drag and allows for a performance boost. "It is only small but it's enough [to make a difference]," Kelson said.
5th place in the #Superprestige for Zoe Backstedt. Not bad for an 18year old! 🌈🇬🇧🐲🚴♀️
Tom Pidcock up next. First outing for his rainbow stripes since he won them 🌈🇬🇧🌹
#SuperPrestige #cx #cyclocross #cycling #UCI #cycletoots
5th place in the #Superprestige for Zoe Backstedt. Not bad for an 18year old! 🌈🇬🇧🐲🚴♀️
Tom Pidcock up next. First outing for his rainbow stripes since he won them 🌈🇬🇧🌹
#CX #Cyclocross #Cycling #UCI #CycleToots @mastobikes
#SuperPrestige #cx #cyclocross #cycling #UCI #cycletoots
5th place in the #Superprestige for Zoe Backstedt. Not bad for an 18year old! 🌈🇬🇧🐲🚴♀️
Tom Pidcock up next. First outing for his rainbow stripes since he won them 🌈🇬🇧🌹
#CX #Cyclocross #Cycling #UCI #CycleToots @mastobike
#SuperPrestige #cx #cyclocross #cycling #UCI #cycletoots