Processing Wi-Fi signals can detect edges well enough to reconstruct letter shapes (thick letters without many curved edges, at least) through walls.
#Research #UCSB #Wifi
Surprised that campus landscapers are still using gas powered leaf blowers #ucsb
How there may be a small connection for me between the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and the "Barbie" movie.
When I was a college sophomore at Santa Barbara one of my professors came into class and told us that he didn't have time to finish grading our mid-terms because he saw the "worst movie" he'd ever seen the night before, the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Naturally everyone in class went to see it as soon as we could. It's a great movie and still fun to watch.
Now, with Ted Cruz and the Republican brain trust attacking "Barbie", I have to see it.
All kidding aside, the Barbie reviews appear to be good and it might be just campy enough that it works. We will probably go see it strangely enough.
#Barbie #RockyHorrorPictureShow #Movie #TedCruz #Republican #UCSB
#barbie #RockyHorrorPictureShow #movie #tedcruz #republican #UCSB
Direct link the #UCSB cylinder collection.
I spent a *long* time in #UCSB getting my degree, with no idea that the world's greatest collection of cylinder records was in the library basement (admittedly this was years before I became interested in the subject).
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Loops in 4+1d topological phases
Xie Chen, Arpit Dua, Po-Shen Hsin, Chao-Ming Jian, Wilbur Shirley, Cenke Xu
SciPost Phys. 15, 001 (2023)
#SimonsFoundation #DOE
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #caltech #WalterBurkeInstituteforTheoreticalPhysics #Mani_L #cu #IAS #UCSB #NSF #SimonsFoundation #doe
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Charge fluctuation entropy of Hawking radiation: A replica-free way to find large entropy
Alexey Milekhin, Amirhossein Tajdini
SciPost Phys. 14, 172 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UCSB #AFOSR #SimonsFoundation #universityofcalifornia
Who is heading out to the First Annual Environmental Data Science Summit funded by
#NSF & organized by #UCSB #NCEAS in Santa Barbara?
Looking forward to interact with all, particularly on topics including vegetation data!
“Hello Frisco!” by Harvey Hindermyer and Helen Clark for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 1915.
A song written to celebrate the first direct phone call between #NewYork and #SanFrancisco. #music #history
From the #UCSB audio cylinders collection.
#History #Music #sanfrancisco #NewYork #UCSB
New to this platform. Here are my #introduction #introductions
Me: #Mom #Scientist #Chemist #AssistantProfessor #pink
Born & Raised: #Palatinate #Germany
Lived in: #Mainz #SantaBarbara #California #Seoul #SouthKorea
Now Living: #Tempe #Arizona
Work: #ASU #ArizonaStateUniversity #TUDarmstadt
Worked: #UniMainz #UCSB #SNU
Thinking About: #Chemistry #SolidStateChemistry #MaterialsChemistry #MentalHealth #Fitness
Interests: #workouts #food #travel #coffee #craftbeer #wine #cats
#introduction #introductions #mom #scientist #chemist #assistantprofessor #pink #palatinate #germany #mainz #santabarbara #california #seoul #southkorea #tempe #arizona #ASU #arizonastateuniversity #tudarmstadt #unimainz #UCSB #snu #chemistry #solidstatechemistry #materialschemistry #mentalhealth #fitness #workouts #food #Travel #coffee #craftbeer #wine #cats
I’m a scholar of medieval (mainly ~200~1000 CE) Chinese literature and religion at UC Santa Barbara, and have side interests in digital humanities, translation, and world literature. I’ve written a lot about Buddhist poetry in the Tang Dynasty. I also teach Classical Chinese and a bunch of other things here.
#sinology #literature #TangDynasty #UCSB #Buddhism #poetry #translation #DigitalHumanites #introduction
#Sinology #literature #TangDynasty #UCSB #buddhism #poetry #translation #DigitalHumanites #introduction
Rallying with UC workers at Sproul Plaza while I'm far from my home campus. Our union makes us strong!
#strike #uaw #ucberkeley #UCSB #fairUCnow
Here's a resource guide for what the academic workers #FairUCnow strike throughout the UC system is about and how faculty members can support it. Unions are a key tool for equalizing and democratizing higher ed. I hope UC faculty are standing in support & faculty everywhere are paying attention.
#histodons #scholars #academia #labor #uaw #ucla #ucsb #uci #ucr #UCSCstrikes
#UCSCstrikes #UCR #uci #UCSB #ucla #uaw #labor #academia #Scholars #histodons #fairucnow
@connormorozumi this was my experience. My PhD program offered a whole pedagogy program (#CCUT #UCSB) but it was totally elective. In my postdoc we’re asked to assist with practical classes (labs and such) but this pedagogy course is a chance opportunity with very limited enrolment
The birdsite exodus has affected voting in the #UCAbleistBracket, but if you've got an acct there, please vote on which campus is most ableist UC Hastings School of Law or UCSB.
#DisabilityLaw #disability #ableism #UniversityOfCalifornia #UCAccessNow #accessibility #a11y #FairUCNow #UCSB
#ucableistbracket #disabilitylaw #disability #ableism #universityofcalifornia #UCAccessNow #accessibility #a11y #fairUCnow #UCSB
#introduction - migrator from the bird app. english by passport, and by discipline, i'm a #phd student at #ucsb. usually writes about waste, whitman, or women's football.
#Introduction Hi all👋🏻I am a #PhD Candidate at #UCSB in #Hispanicliteratures I am really happy to have had the opportunity to travel from my hometown #Barcelona to California to teach Spanish and also write a dissertation about #ecocriticism and the envirorment in #LatinAmerican crime fiction. I also am interested in cinema, science fiction and horror studies, politics and theory!
I am here to share readings, recommendations, ideas, and follow back other academic, activist and artists profiles!
#LatinAmerican #ecocriticism #barcelona #Hispanicliteratures #UCSB #phd #introduction
#Introduction Hi all👋🏻I am a #PhD Candidate at #UCSB in #Hispanicliteratures I am really happy to have had the opportunity to travel from my hometown #Barcelona to California to teach Spanish and also write a dissertation about #ecocriticism and the envirorment in #LatinAmerican crime fiction. I also am interested in cinema, science fiction and horror studies, politics and theory!
I am here to share readings, recommendations, ideas, and follow back other academic, activist and artists profiles!
#introduction #phd #UCSB #Hispanicliteratures #barcelona #ecocriticism #LatinAmerican