#世界人権宣言 の採択75周年を迎える本年、#EU の欧州対外行動庁は、より良い社会の創造に向けた変革のために立ち上がる世界中の若者たちの行動を拡散できる場を提供する #OurVoiceOurFuture キャンペーンを実施中です🌍
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European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1691317494072360960
#国際青少年デー #世界人権宣言 #EU #OurVoiceOurFuture #YouthDay #UDHR75
¡En este #YouthDay celebramos a los jóvenes como impulsores clave del cambio!
#NuestraVozNuestroFuturo llama a los jóvenes de todo el 🌐 a unirse para marcar #UDHR75.
Se necesita un momento, un intento, una acción, para cambiar el mundo. ¿Te unirás?
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1690401944634855424
#YouthDay #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
Hoy invitamos a jóvenes de los cuatro rincones del mundo a impulsar el cambio global.
#NuestraVozNuestroFuturo brinda a los jóvenes una plataforma global para defender su propio futuro.
¡Comparte tus historias inspiradoras! Mira cómo⤵️
#UDHR75 @eu_eeas
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European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: Today, we invite youth from the four corners of the world to drive global change.
#OurVoiceOurFuture gives youth a global platform to speak up for their own future.
Ready to join hands?
Share your inspiring stories! Check out how⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1690402680978518016
#NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
¡Participa del #YouthDay! Este 2023 celebramos el 75º aniversario de la Declaración Universal de DD.HH. 🌎
Únete a la campaña #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo y hagamos eco de nuestras voces en defensa de los DD.HH. Aprende, habla, participa. ¡Es momento de marcar la diferencia! #UDHR75
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1690414342217351168
#YouthDay #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75
En el marco del Día Internacional de la Juventud, @GladysArdon
embajadora de #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo, resalta la solidaridad como base para un futuro mejor. Únete al movimiento por el cambio positivo #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo.
Conoce más en https://europa.eu/!DYr4Fp #UDHR75
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenNicaragua/status/1691118068355735555
#NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75
12. august markerte vi #YouthDay 🌏🇪🇺👥 Kampanjen feirer unges drivkraft og evne til å forme fremtiden ✔
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUiNorge/status/1691007950175797248
#YouthDay #OurVoiceOurFuture #UDHR75
Re Agradecemos a ação dos membros do Comitê Consultivo da Juventude para a Cooperação da 🇪🇺 no 🇧🇷,que apresentaram planos de trabalho em temas prioritários como #PactoEcológico e #TransformaçãoDigital, incluindo a importância da comunicação e da cultura para a juventude.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEnoBrasil/status/1690317702169083904
#PactoEcológico #TransformaçãoDigital #UDHR75
#OurVoiceOurFuture marcando o 75º aniversário da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos.
Este é o momento para o mundo ouvir
Apenas um minuto
Para mudar o mundo.
Compartilhe o seu vídeo!
Junte-se a #NossaVozNossoFuturo!
#UDHR75 ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEnoBrasil/status/1690348697610035201
#OurVoiceOurFuture #NossaVozNossoFuturo #UDHR75
Happy #YouthDay!
They drive the change.
They pave the way.
🌏 For a better tomorrow. 🕊️
Let’s build a world where peace is more than a dream.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinAfghanistan/status/1690284118196527104
#YouthDay #OurVoiceOurFuture #UDHR75
🔊İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi'nin 75. Yıldönümü münasebetiyle #DünyaGençlikGünü'nde👩🎓👨🎓@eu_eeas #BizimSesimizBizimGeleceğimiz kampanyasını başlatarak sözü🌍dünyanın dört bir yanından gençlere bırakıyor!
Katılın!🗣İnsan Hakları için konuşun👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUDelegationTur/status/1690274269953978369
#DünyaGençlikGünü #BizimSesimizBizimGeleceğimiz #UDHR75
Re 🔊To mark the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human, 👩🎓👨🎓@eu_eeas gives the floor to youth from all over the world🌍 by launching #OurVoiceOurFuture campaign
Join the campaign! 🗣Speak up for Human Rights!👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUDelegationTur/status/1690274276815867904
En el #DíaInternacionalDeLaJuventud, invitamos a todos los jóvenes a participar en #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo.
Ésta es tu plataforma para promover un mundo de respeto y dignidad. ¡Tu voz cuenta! 🗣️
Únete a esta iniciativa y sé parte del cambio 🌎💪🏽
#UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenVenezuela/status/1690413388470321152
#DíaInternacionalDeLaJuventud #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
Hoy invitamos a jóvenes de los cuatro rincones del mundo a impulsar el cambio global.
#NuestraVozNuestroFuturo brinda a los jóvenes una plataforma global para defender su propio futuro.
¡Comparte tus historias inspiradoras! Mira cómo⤵️
#UDHR75 @eu_eeas
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: Today, we invite youth from the four corners of the world to drive global change.
#OurVoiceOurFuture gives youth a global platform to speak up for their own future.
Ready to join hands?
Share your inspiring stories! Check out how⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenVenezuela/status/1690419375306866688
#NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
¡En este #YouthDay celebramos a los jóvenes como impulsores clave del cambio!
#NuestraVozNuestroFuturo llama a los jóvenes de todo el 🌐 a unirse para marcar #UDHR75.
Se necesita un momento, un intento, una acción, para cambiar el mundo. ¿Te unirás?
👉🏽 https://europa.eu/!HVvYND
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenVenezuela/status/1690431203399094273
#YouthDay #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
"In many partner countries, over half of the population is young people. Youth must have a say on the decisions that make their future...." - @JuttaUrpilainen , 🇪🇺 Commissioner for International Partnerships
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1690314685575294976
#YouthDay #OurVoiceOurFuture #UDHR75
En el #DiaInternacionalDeLaJuventud, invitamos a todos los jóvenes a participar en #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo.
Esta es tu plataforma para promover un mundo de respeto y dignidad. ¡Tu voz cuenta! 🗣️
Únete a esta iniciativa y se parte del cambio🌎💪🏻
#UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEenChile/status/1690385997224120320
#DiaInternacionalDeLaJuventud #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo #UDHR75 #OurVoiceOurFuture
У цей #ДеньМолоді ми відзначаємо, що молодь – ключові рушії змін!
#OurVoiceOurFuture закликає молодь з усього 🌐 обʼєднуватися, аби разом відзначити 75-ту річницю #UDHR75.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1690300373607514113
#ДеньМолоді #OurVoiceOurFuture #UDHR75 #YouthDay
RT European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺
On this #YouthDay we celebrate youth as key drivers of change!
#OurVoiceOurFuture calls on youth from around the 🌐 to come together to mark #UDHR75.
It takes one moment, one try, one action, to change the world. Will you join? Speak up!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_eeas/status/1690256808256970752
#YouthDay #OurVoiceOurFuture #UDHR75
Tell your story! Speak your truth! This is the time for the world to listen. Join #OurVoiceOurFuture!
Share your voice on your social media using the hashtag #OurVoiceOurFuture #UDHR75
Don't foget to mention our social media accounts @eu_eeas @EUinASEAN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinASEAN/status/1690271907000598528
Young people have the greatest potential to create a better 🌍 for all! Join our campaign, #OurVoiceOurFuture and let us celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with your stories and messages! #UDHR75
More info
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euinkorea/status/1689991976924459009