#rentenuebersicht.de benutzt zur #eID Anmeldung zwar den eingehenden #UDP bzw. +TCP port 24727, wie in der Doku angegeben, aber krachen tut es bei mir im #IDS weil ausgehend auf Url("https://eid-epan2-prod.eid-service.de:8445/ecardpaos/paosreceiver")) natürlich mal voll ins Klo gegriffen wird. Da sind andere #Ausweis2App Anbieter aber deutlich mehr standardisiert.... Wenn man es so komplex und verwirrend macht:
"Port 443 wird für die initiale Kontaktaufnahme zum Anbieter bzw. eID-Server verwendet. Durch die Konfiguration des Dienstes durch den Diensteanbieter können durch Weiterleitungen
beliebige andere Ports zum Einsatz kommen."
muss man sich über fehlende Akzeptanz echt nicht wundern. Wer hat so eine Wischiwaschi-Spezifikation freigegeben und wo war die/der Tester/in? Auf'm Klo [frei nach Fefe]?
#ausweis2app #ids #UDP #eid #rentenuebersicht
I spent all of last week hammering out #JWST proposals, non-stop. This week it is back to postdoc applicant reviews, interviews, and selection. Even though the teaching semester is closed at #UDP, when will I get back to the two papers currently hiding behind the 20 open tabs in my browser??
Response from David Drumlin, 'Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe never!!'
It's been a topsy turvy end of #2022 and start of #2023. A lot has happened, and still happening, many changes afoot, but certainly good news today with the acceptance of a #postdoc offer for an excellent young researcher who will soon be joining our #NewWorldsLab group at the Instituto de Estudios Astrofísicos here at #UDP.
I am looking forward to more top #science coming in 2023 from the excellent team we have here in Chile!! #ScienceInChile
#postdoc #newworldslab #UDP #science #scienceinchile
RT @VuFaculty@twitter.com
Congratulations to @MurryVelma@twitter.com on her promotion to University Distinguished Professor of Human and Organizational Development in @vupeabody@twitter.com and University Distinguished Professor of Health Policy in @vumedicine@twitter.com.
#VUFaculty #UDP
Most of our 2022 Astronomy Nucleus at the Universidad Diego Portales (#UDP)...the cosmos becons!!
An #introduction is par for the course, so it's time...
I'm a professor within the #Astronomy Nucleus at the Universidad Diego Portales (#UDP) in Chile, previously a professor and fellow at the Universidad de Chile, and a postdoc at Penn State before that. With my team we scan the local #cosmos to find #exoplanets in various forms, from the largest to the smallest, and use #space and ground based instruments to study their atmospheric chemistry.
I am also an avid crossfitter and footballer!!
#introduction #astronomy #UDP #Cosmos #exoplanets #space