I’m a data person, not a UI person.
I’m simplifying here, but…
I love #SwiftUI and do not love #UIKit.
I do not love #SwiftData and do love #GRDB.
I think it’s because SwiftUI enables me to do stuff I am bobbins at, whereas SwiftData makes me cry because it’s not just raw SQL.
Again, simplifying. An observation (I flippin’ love the new Observable stuff!) is all.
#swiftui #UIKit #swiftdata #grdb
In #UIKit, we can add an insets to a MKMapView to have additional space around a specified MKMapRect. It's useful for UIs like Apple Maps or
I'm trying to do the same for a #SwiftUI Map (iOS 17) but I can't find a way to do it. Has anyone played with that yet?
#UIKit #swiftui #mapkit #iosdev
Trying to use `UICollectionView` with `NSDiffableDataSourceSectionSnapshot`: why are my `.disclosureIndicator()` not working automatically to expand/collapse hierarchical items? I’ve used the `.addItems(_, to:)` function on the section snapshot object to add child items to parent items, but the accessory seems to always be grayed out.
Funny thing is, I can manually expand the items, and I can see the child items there.
Help! #ios #uikit #uicollectionview
@emcro sounds good!
In my case, my latest version is currently targeting iOS 13, written in #UIKit. If I want to target iOS 16 and include the coolest features at the same time, it will increase drastically my work and revamp… That’s why I hesitate to drop support for iOS 16 and use SwiftUI as much as possible.
Every time I have to make a sidebar with a `UICollectionView` diffable data source my brain goes into a knot as I have to slowly page in how to register everything in the right sequence, using the right objects. Is there a library that makes this process easier?
Interesting new problem arises: When moving cells, a cache keyed by indexpath is used, making it so when they are moved during an interactive drag and drop, the look up provides the size of the cells that previously occupied the position until the next invalidation pass. #uikit
Here it is: A comprehensive look at `NSItemProvider`: what it does, how it works, and how to use it properly. I want this to be a one-stop-shop reference for anyone using this class in their projects.
NSItemProvider is a key class in iOS and Mac Catalyst, used in everything from Drag and Drop, to Pasteboard, share sheet, and beyond. Understanding how this class works will help you make better apps and gain insight into what the system does for you.
Please read the post, and send me feedback. Share it with your iOS developer friends. Let me know what you think!
#iOS #iOSDev #macOS #MacCatalyst #apple #Xcode #Swift #ObjectiveC #UIKit #AppKit #programming
#ios #iosdev #macos #maccatalyst #apple #xcode #swift #objectivec #UIKit #AppKit #programming
Finally #SwiftUI and #UiKit previews are accessible for #blind developers. How it currently works is you have two modes of operation, live and selectable. Live version basically embeds an iOS simulator into the Xcode window directly, which effectively gives you something like hot reload. How I personally use it I have a hotspot set for this area and whenever I change something in my views I just come back to see my work. Selectable preview is much morel ightweight, but at least for now, element roles are not read which can be a problem if you do mocking and try to check if button dims/undims properly based on view’s models.
As a web developer, if you are given custom designs for a semi-modular website to build and it doesn’t come with a design system reference or UI kit, what do you do?
#webdevelopment #designsystems #UIKit
In #UIKit, we can specify to always show the search scope bar using the manual mode (UISearchController.ScopeBarActivation.manual).
In #SwiftUI, this mode does not exist (but all others do). So we can't display the search scope bar for suggestions for examples...
Let's file a new feedback for that: #FB12320667
Most of the time, safe areas just kind of work. But every now and then they're just insane. #UIKit
Sharing data with UIActivityViewController - tips & tricks
#Swift #UIKit #Programming #iOS
#swift #UIKit #programming #iOS
Swift/iOS dev question in general:
Does anyone know how I can accomplish this kind of image view (an image that gets bigger when tapped, and then you can drag it around and flick it away)? It is most likely not possible in SwiftUI, but I have no idea where to even begin with implementing it 😅
Any tips?
#UIKit #iosdev #SwiftUI #swift
Back2Back UIKit Tutorials ⛹🏽♂️
Combine makes form validation a breeze 😮💨
Let's see how it makes our lives stressfree & keeps our skin glowing 🥰
I still have a soft spot for UIKit 😅
So let's get a lil wild and see how we can build our own custom Form component 🪄
This vid goes over some intermidatte to advanced topics 💪
Are you ready for the challenge? 👀