"Hundreds of new North Sea oil and gas licences to boost British energy independence and grow the economy: 31 July 2023
Hundreds of new oil and gas licenses will be granted in the UK, the Prime Minister has confirmed today (Monday 31 July)."
UK Government press release (link: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/hundreds-of-new-north-sea-oil-and-gas-licences-to-boost-british-energy-independence-and-grow-the-economy-31-july-2023)
#UKGovernment #NorthSeaOil #FossilFuel #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#UKGovernment #northseaoil #fossilfuel #climatechange #ClimateCrisis
Pink News: LGBTQ+ advocates shocked by Equality Act reforms debate: ‘Distressing and infuriating’ https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/06/13/westminster-debate-equality-act-sex-trans/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #EqualitiesAct #ukgovernment #Politics #Trans #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #equalitiesact #UKGovernment #politics #news #uk
Pink News: ‘Grave concerns’ after Tories refuse to help LGBTQ+ Ugandans facing death penalty https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/06/04/uk-government-uganda-refugees-lgbtq/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Anti-HomosexualityBill #ukgovernment #Politics #refugees #Africa #Uganda #News #Law #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #anti #UKGovernment #politics #refugees #africa #uganda #news #law #uk
Censorship by the UK government, pure and simple
Ministers had ‘chilling’ secret unit to curb lockdown dissent
#UKGovernment #Censorship #CovidSecretUnit
#UKGovernment #censorship #covidsecretunit
Crack down on everything these MPs claim on expenses. But especially if they break the law, they shouldn't charge the public for their crime.
#ukpolitics #UKGovernment #mpexpenses
#ukpolitics #UKGovernment #mpexpenses
Another month and #UKGovernment #NSANDI #NS&I #PremiumBonds fails to pay out a prize. 8 months in a row now of nothing. And they wonder why I am removing my money from my Bond account. Put your savings into a high interest building society savings account instead. Premium Bonds are a folly now.
#UKGovernment #nsandi #ns #premiumbonds
#IllegalMigrationBill: Can the government ignore the European Court of Human Rights that has ruled that interim measures are legally binding under international law.
#UKGovernment #HumanRights #Immigration
#illegalmigrationbill #UKGovernment #humanrights #immigration
Pink News: Tory government funding anti-LGBTQ+ groups in Uganda, report finds: ‘Not an isolated mistake’ https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/04/26/uganda-lgbtq-uk-government-funding/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Anti-HomosexualityBill #ukgovernment #Africa #Uganda #World #News #Law
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #anti #UKGovernment #africa #uganda #world #news #law
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/autos/news/switch-to-electric-cars-set-to-increase-traffic-government-admits/ar-AA1akF4P?ocid=sapphireappshare What utter rubbish from the #ukgovernment #ev
Another day, another shameful reality
UK secretly deported 100 Nepali guards who protected staff in Kabul
#UKGovernment #NepaliGuards #Deported
#UKGovernment #nepaliguards #deported
You couldn't make this up.
The UK government has responded to the fucking dire state of social housing by ... *drum roll* ... training residents in how to complain.
Talk about victim-blaming!
And if you've ever tried complaining to a housing association, you know who needs training.
#ukhousing #socialhousing #UKGovernment #victimblaming
The fact that #raab hasn’t resigned tells you all you to know about him & the #UKGovernment
#UKGovernment changed the law so people in England show ID when voting. The opposition claims the move is an attempt by #Tories to sway future elections by preventing certain demographics from voting, particularly those unlikely to vote #Conservatives.
#UKGovernment #tories #conservatives
The illegal migration bill is performative politics that allows the #Conservatives to blame opponents ahead of a key election.
#IllegalMigrationBill #UKPolitics #Tories #UKGovernment
#conservatives #illegalmigrationbill #ukpolitics #tories #UKGovernment
On Sunday 23 April at 3pm, the #UKgovernment will be sending a test broadcast of its #EmergencyAlerts system to all compatible mobile phones.
See the Gov.uk website for details: https://www.gov.uk/alerts/announcements
#UKGovernment #emergencyalerts
Hounds of Hades, some good news from this crappy government
Government retreats from Brexit bill plan to ditch EU laws
#UKGovernment #DitchEULaws
The sewage scandal – Good Law Project are supporting three legal challenges to protect our coastline and rivers from pollution.
#SewageScandal #Pollution #UKGovernment
#SewageScandal #pollution #UKGovernment
Must-read: The3million has prevailed in a court case against the #UKGovernment, with the High Court ruling that #Data protection rights for #EUcitizens and other #migrants must be upheld by law.
#HomeOffice #Brexit
#UKGovernment #data #eucitizens #migrants #homeoffice #brexit
The #UKGovernment has admitted that the new #Brexit processes contributed to the chaotic travel queues at #Dover, despite Home Secretary #SuellaBraverman denying that Brexit played a role in the delays.
#BrexitChaos #BrexitReality #Tories
#UKGovernment #brexit #dover #SuellaBraverman #BrexitChaos #brexitreality #tories
The #UKGovernment is facing criticism for proposing mandatory photo ID for voting despite no proven cases of in-person voter impersonation in 2022, alienating 2 million people who just want to cast a ballot.
#VotingRights #VoterID #Tories
#UKGovernment #votingrights #voterid #tories