RT Environmental Audit Committee
As the UK swelters in heatwaves, the Environmental Audit Committee today launches a new inquiry into #HeatResilience and #SustainableCooling.
📩You can submit your views by 5pm Thursday 17 August.
👉🏽More info at http://bit.ly/3JDAeyk🌡 #Heatwave #UKheatwave #extremeheat https://t.co/podEtW6qIT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CommonsEAC/status/1675783940882448384
#HeatResilience #sustainablecooling #heatwave #UKHeatwave #extremeheat
RT @RAF_Luton
BREAKING: The A380 Supersoaker is assisting local authorities in Basingstoke deal with the #HosepipeBan by dropping powdered H20 to help replenish water supplies in the area, the Supersoaker carries up to 800.85tons of the powder
📸 from a Canberra
#UKHeatwave #climateemergency #HosepipeBan
RT @Leicester_News: During the #UKHeatwave in Leicester, here’s some top tips to keep cool
☀️ Find the shade and wear sunscreen
☀️ Avoid open water swimming,
☀️ Drink plenty of water
☀️ Walk pets at cooler times of the day
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Rory_Palmer/status/1549305749083488256
On hottest day of the year and when I finally go outside, it starts pouring with rain #Brighton #UKHeatWave
RT @Scarfolk@twitter.com
Suffering in the #UKHeatwave? Cool down with a Scarfolk lolly! Which is your favourite? http://scarfolk.blogspot.com #Heatwave2022
Had to rescale the graph as it went over 40°C.
40.5°C at the highest point. #xp #UKHeatwave
Only 28c here so far, relatively dry heat too so it's not awful at all, apparently today's max will be 31/32 here so see how I am in a couple of hours #UKHeatwave