@BobRoyMiller It sickens me to see Blair and Mandelson sliming around decision making again. While Starmer is a good debater in Parliament he may well lose Labour this election: or we may end with a hung parliament. My greatest fear would be a coalition between Labour & Conservatives for the next government. Progress towards an #IndependentScotland and a Border Poll for a UI may be held back. #starmer has already published his #Union credentials. #UKPolitcs
#IndependentScotland #starmer #union #UKPolitcs
Transform | Together, we call for a new party of the left https://transformpolitics.uk/
#transform #leftwing #UKPolitcs
A message to Tory voters for Thursday 4th May 2023.
Stay at home.
Save Lives.
Protect the NHS.
#UKPolitcs #saveTheNHS #ToriesOut
At the last annual IOTC meeting, the EU’s 40-strong delegation was made up of at least 24 industry lobbyists
This could shed some light on why the EU recently objected to an agreement by African and Asian coastal nations to restrict harmful fish devices (FADs) that disproportionately harvest juvenile tuna. Stocks of yellowfin tuna are overfished in the Indian Ocean.
#UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green
#uk #us #EU #uspol
#strike #ocean #sea #fishing
#UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green #uk #us #EU #uspol #strike #ocean #sea #fishing
Who is killing the planet ?
Climate impact by wealth
#UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green
#uk #us #EU #uspol
#strike #costofliving
#UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green #uk #us #EU #uspol #strike #costofliving
Why are UK food prices rising at their fastest rate in 45 years?
The climate crisis is disrupting our food supplies right now, pushing up prices. Introducing #Climateflation.
#UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green
#uk #us #EU #uspol
#strike #costofliving
#climateflation #UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green #uk #us #EU #uspol #strike #costofliving
Asia’s prolonged April heatwave concerns scientists
‘Exceptional’ conditions raise fears about a hotter 2023
Globally, the past eight years have been the warmest on record, with extreme weather events including heatwaves expected to become more frequent and intense as climate change accelerates. Greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise in 2022 and temperatures are at least 1.1C higher
#UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green #india #asia #China
#UKPolitcs #Climate #climatebreakown #green #India #asia #China
The Very Hungry Fat Cat Donor
A film by Julian Dourado and Malcolm Atkins
#satire #satiricalfilm #satiricalart #satiricalcomedy #fatcats #UKPolitcs #wpg #westburypeoplesgallery
#politicalcorruption #politicalfunding #politicaldonations #cashforhonours
#satire #satiricalfilm #satiricalart #satiricalcomedy #fatcats #UKPolitcs #wpg #westburypeoplesgallery #politicalcorruption #politicalfunding #politicaldonations #cashforhonours
If you thought "kangaroo court" was bad, Fabbers has just upped the stakes to "show trial", casually forgetting four of his fellow party members make up the majority of the Committee. Apparently they're notorious Communist apparatchiks:
"The way the Committee members begin with long accusatory statements and then ask long questions (read, not spontaneous) and tell the witness to be quiet reminds me of overseas show trials."
#UKPolitcs #Partygate #PrivilegesCommittee
#privilegescommittee #PartyGate #UKPolitcs
The inflation rate was effectively zero in February 2021 but now sits at 10.4% now I wonder what happened around that time? 🤔
"The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020. The transition period that was in place – during which nothing changed – ended on 31 December 2020. The rules governing the new relationship between the EU and UK took effect on 1 January 2021." https://www.government.nl/topics/brexit/question-and-answer/when-will-the-united-kingdom-leave-the-european-union
Yet there's no word of the dreaded Bbbbbb b word. Hey journalists how about you stop carrying water for those fully responsible for the destruction of your country?
The Independent daily cartoon | The Independent | The Independent
There are two choices:
Johnson vouches for Raab's character, Raab is stuffed.
Johnson warned Raab about his behaviour but kept him on anyway: Raab stuffed, Telegraph praises Johnson, everyone else asks why he didn't do something about it.
“In recent weeks, we have seen an alarming rise in violence and intimidation organised by the far right against refugees and refugee accommodation. The government is complicit in these attacks.”
There's a reason why people traditionally fasted in Lent and why April was called the hungry month. There's also a reason why it's not a good idea to screw around with your food supply chains without having robust alternatives to fall back on.
#FoodSecurity #UKPolitcs #brexit
These last years, our government seem to be like a kind of posh mafia who get away with everything dodgy *except* murder.
Today many workers are taking #Strike action. Please show support for them in any way you can and remember that the blame for the #Strikes sits firmly with a dogmatic ideologically moribund #Tory party.
#strike #strikes #tory #UKPolitcs