Alma Economics · @almaeconomics
1 followers · 45 posts · Server
Alma Economics · @almaeconomics
1 followers · 4 posts · Server
Mona · @monamxk
0 followers · 5 posts · Server

At 10° celcius, you struggle to maintain a healthy core temperature.
At 10°, brain function reduces by ~20% and yet, there are many across the UK in poorly insulated housing unable to afford gas/electric this winter. State wide insulation is beneficial for the planet and the people!!
- But of course there has to be a bigger effort to promote the uptake of affordable & renewable energy

What does an unheated room do to your body?

#insulatebritain #UKpolicy #renewablenergy

Last updated 2 years ago

Following transfer from another instance (and recent semi-migration from Muskwitter), here's my .

Professional interests include:


Recreational interests include:

#introduction #Education #economics #labour #labor #skills #unemployment #policy #UKpolicy #policyUK #Running #aurora #HuddsChoral #springsteen #Holmfirth

Last updated 2 years ago