New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Many versus one: The disorder operator and entanglement entropy in fermionic quantum matter
Weilun Jiang, Bin-Bin Chen, Zi Hong Liu, Junchen Rong, Fakher F. Assaad, Meng Cheng, Kai Sun, Zi Yang Meng
SciPost Phys. 15, 082 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #CAS #UCAS #HKU #Würzburg #IHÉS #YaleUniversity #UM #dfg #k #NSF #ugc #UniversityofHongKong
University of Michigan Launches $55 Million Quantum Institute to Accelerate Research, Education #Research #and_the_Arts #Mack_Kira #Office_of_the_Vice_President_for_Research #quantum_initiative #Rebecca_Cunningham #science #Steven_Cundiff #the_College_of_Engineering_and_the_College_of_Literature #UM #University_of Michigan #quantumdaily Insider Brief The University of Michigan is investing $55 million in the Quantum Research Institute. The Quantum Resear
#Research #and_the_Arts #Mack_Kira #Office_of_the_Vice_President_for_Research #quantum_initiative #Rebecca_Cunningham #Science #Steven_Cundiff #the_College_of_Engineering_and_the_College_of_Literature #UM #University_of #quantumdaily
BYOB: Bring Your Own Bag :
The design of plastics is simply flawed. Despite the fact that many plastic products are single use, they are designed to last forever and therefore do not biodegrade.
#RosensteilSustainabilityInitiative #Miami #biscaynebay #pollution #UM #science #recycling #ocean #enviroment #green #keybiscayne #waterquality #pollution
#rosensteilsustainabilityinitiative #miami #biscaynebay #pollution #UM #Science #recycling #ocean #enviroment #green #keybiscayne #waterquality
UMEM Educational Pearls - University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine
Use RABT to predict the need for activation of MHP. #umem #um #trauma #pearl #umsom #mhp #blood #masstransfusion
#umem #UM #trauma #Pearl #umsom #mhp #blood #masstransfusion
Ignacio Bravo présentera aujourd'hui à 18h les résultats de notre étude sur les #coupes_menstruelles à #Divergence_FM dans l'émission "À l'UM la science".
#coupes_menstruelles #divergence_fm #cnrs #UM #mivegec
@derStandard Gesamtschule für alle könnte die Lösung sein und eine Schulreform in Deutschland um mehr Junge Menschen besser zu machen #um mehr #Fachkräfte in der Zukunft zu bekommen. Wir haben schließlich #Fachkräftemangel in DE!
#UM #fachkrafte #fachkraftemangel
Blue Devils win!
Screenshot (Jan 21, 2023 2:26:28 PM)
#goduke #acc #um #herecomesduke
#goduke #acc #UM #herecomesduke
This was one time the #RedWings fans really were on the concourse. #FiestaBowl #UM #TCU
#RedWings #fiestabowl #UM #tcu
Yes he’s ready to go! @penning is ready for this exciting #darkmatter colloquium at #desy. Delighted that he’s here ! #physics #UM with exciting stories about cleaning while having masks taped to your face for extra cleaning #particlephysics
#darkmatter #DESY #physics #UM #particlephysics
And may all your #hashtagIdeas and #memesInPotentia cut you some frickin' #slack. G'night.
If I #wokeYouUp, moderate your app notifications if you have a sec. 🛎️#sorryNotSorry #dumbDadJoke #workOnIt
Peace time.
Well earned.
-blows out candle
-why is curtain now on #fire
-oh #fireAffinity
#waterAffinity? #anybody?
#beardeddragon not other #dragon
#hashtagideas #memesinpotentia #slack #wokeyouup #sorrynotsorry #dumbdadjoke #workonit #fire #fireaffinity #oopstoomuchmagic #UM #wateraffinity #anybody #beardeddragon #dragon #okhandled #goodnightalready
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